Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家のバレンタインデー2021 後編 (Our Valentine's Day 2021 vol.2)

2021-02-19 12:46:00 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

Okay, I want to write the rest of the story about our Valentine's day this year.

We enjoyed the fancy dinner which we took out from a restaurant nearby and started a present time.

From May-chan to Daddy, she gave BBQ fire starters and Daddy's favorite Picholine olives.

Then, from Andy to me. It started from a card full of love just as usual. (He used a BD card though. Haha)

I asked May-chan a help to open the presents.

This one was a set of cake decoration spatulas.

I actually had got one as a Christmas gift, but it looked a little bit bigger than I had expected and mentioned about it to Andy, so he thought that this set would fit my need and bought them as a Valentine's gift for me. Unfortunately, the smallest one of the set was as big as the one I already had. LOL

The one that I already had was good enough, so I decided to keep it and return the set. Instead, I'm going to order silicon baking mats with the refund.

Andy gave me another present which was...

Guess what it was!

It's an Agatha Christie's book! This one includes 5 titles! Lucky!

Next is from me to Andy. A card just as usual and...

just 1 present. May-chan helped Daddy open it.

What was it?

Here's it!! Yeah, it's too far in the pic.

実はこれ、Pulled Porkっていうお料理を作る時に大きな塊のお肉を細かく削いでいくのに使うんです。
They're steel claws to make pulled pork.


Andyっち特製プルドポーク (Andy's Pulled Pork) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Andyっち特製プルドポーク (Andy's Pulled Pork) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


この記事にも書いているんですが、我が家ではAndyっちがたまにPulled Porkを作ってくれるんです。
I wrote about Andy's homemade pulled pork on this article, but he sometimes makes delicious pulled pork for us.

This is his homemade pulled pork.

We usually shred the cooked meat with regular forks like this.

だけど、このpulled porkっていうお料理、燻製器でじっくり火を通していくのにももちろん時間がかかるんですが、このお肉を削いでいく工程も結構手間がかかって、いつも結構な時間を費やしていたんです。
It takes a long time to cook a big chunk of meat in a smoker in general, but at the same time, the procedure to shred the meat with regular forks is also very time consuming.

When I was looking for something good for a Valentine's day gift for Andy, I ran into this product with a 5-star review saying, "Anyone who's attempted to shred a pork butt with two regular kitchen forks can attest to how labour intensive it can be. I've shredded an 18 pound pork shoulder in under a minute with very little effort. " which made me think, "Oh, this is a perfect gift for Andy!!"

Once the weather gets warmer here, I bet that Andy's going to make his pulled pork for sure, so I'll share how amazing or useless the claws would be when he tries them.

Anyways, after May-chan went to bed, Andy and I had a Colombo night after a while. Colombo night is we enjoy the drama "Colombo" as munching snacks or popcorn. On this Valentine's day, we had much fun with watching "Colombo" as enjoying our favorite Triple Chocolate Tiger cake that we got from a grocery store nearby.

Like this, even in this long stressful quarantined life, we still could have such a romantic and heartwarming Valentine's day with 3 of us, which turned out to be a very good refreshing time too!

Cheese! Thank you for reading again!!

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