Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

出産記録 その2 (How May was born)

2019-01-17 14:32:27 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How's your day going?

Okay, I want to write about my labor experience today again.

On the day I checked in the hospital, they gave me induction madicine from 10pm every 4hours and around 9am in the next morning, I was fighting with very painful contractions.

It was too painful for me to stay on the bed lying on my back, so I sometimes got up and put my hands and knees on the bed.

I also had to inhale and exhale deeply, but it was super challenging to me. I tended to breathe more shallowly and quickly to take some pain away.

Also, I tended to keep my close since it just hurt!!! Though, my nurse kept telling me "Hon, open your eyes!" so that
I didn't have to just focus on the pain. So, I consciously had to try keeping my eyes open.

Every time a contraction came, I thought, "Okay, I'll try to hold my voice, but I ended up moaning like "Gr....Ah...Ahhhhhh!!!" LOL

Seriously, I kept thinking, "Why don't they give me epidural yet??? This hurts crazy!!!!"

Andy rubbed my lower back or something, but it didn't help to me either. But he wispered to my ear like "They're going to do this next." or something.

It really helped me to understand what's going on around me.

I actually didn't know what's happening around me since it's too painful for me to focus on all the conversation in English.

All I could do at the point is dealing with the pain and I just wanted them to release the pain.

In fact, there's a contruction going on in the building on the day and the drilling noise was very loud and even interrupted the conversations between the nurses and the doctors in the room.

Though, I didn't care about it at all. LOL

Finally when they started getting epidural ready for me, I felt like, " Can I push now??" and started pushing by myself anyways.

At the same time, my nurse or doctor around me said,

"Do you wanna push? Is it feeling like taking pxxp out? If so, go ahead!"


Honestly, I even had a hard time to understand the words and respond at the time.
(I got to know more things when Andy told me the entire story about the day after.)

After 1 push, May-chan's head started showing already and I heard my nurse saying, "You're doing a great job! Push again when you feel the next contraction."

Though, at this point, I didn't feel much pain anymore and couldn't tell when contractions were coming, so I pushed whenever I wanted to. Haha.

In the middle of pushing, I actually could tell that my vigina got ripped and my nurse also told me, "Hon, push it slowly!" Though, I really wanted to get it out anyways and kept pushing as hard as possible.
(FYI, it took long to get my bottom part healed after.)

Anyways, when I pushed 10times or so, at 10:41am, May-chan was born.

Did you think that I was crying in the pic above?

Yeah, I might look moved and crying in the picture, but I got tears just because I pushed so hard. (Yup, same as when you pxxp. LOL)

The very first feeling when May-chan was actually big happiness from being released from the strong pain, not from being touched by the brand new life.

Also, I just thought, "Oh, my baby looks so Asian!" too. Haha.

As time passes, Andy's parts started showing on May-chan, but when she was born, like my mom in Japan said, she looked so much like me when I was born.

Kangaroo care. Actually, May-chan pooped all over right after she's born, so my chest was covered with her poo in this pic. Haha.

Oh, I almost forgot, but Andy cut the cord!

Well, I was going to finish this story on this article, but it become too long again. So, I want to write the rest on the next article.

Thanks for reading again!! Bye for now!!!

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