Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

おじいちゃんの優しさに感動 (A Surprise Present)

2014-10-19 22:01:17 | MN生活(5年目) (MN 2014-15)

How are you doing today?

I'm doing pretty well.

Lately, when I get back home from work, I make sure to wash my hands and throat to avoid from catching a cold. Hopefully, I will make through the rest of year without any sickness this winter.

By the way, I had a happy surprise from one of my regular customers the other day.

This old gentleman used to work in one of the U.S. military bases in Japan.

So, we had a conversation about Japan a few times before.

The other day, he came to me and said "I got this when I was in Japan and I brought you this today so that you can be reminded of your home country." and handed this to me.

This is a small plate beautifully decorated with abalone shell.

This unexpected present totally surprised me first for sure and then the gentleman's warm kindness gradually sank into my heart.

When I looked back, I'd done a few different jobs ever, but I'd never felt like "I really like my job!" until I started working at Caribou.

I'd never worked in a foreign country and language until the Caribou job and I was super nervous and anxious first. Though, thanks to all the warm and kind hearts of people around me, I've come to be able to enjoy my job so much.

Of course, I also have some mornings like "Oh..., I'm so tired. I don't wanna go to work today..." But, once I get to work and see my customers and team members, they give me their positive energy and smiles and make me feel so good.

The little pretty present reminded me of not only my home country but also all the warm and kind energy from people around me.

It's really fun to pursue what you haven't got in your hands yet, but also very important for me to remember to thank what I already have in my hands sometimes.

Anyways, it was my recent happy news.

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