Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近見つけたお薦めサイト (My New Favorite Online Store)

2017-05-09 18:21:20 | MN生活(7年目) (MN2016‐17)

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, we had a few chilly days recently, but it's really nice and warm out enough to walk just in T-shirt today.

It's almost 7 years since I moved to MN from Japan, but I often miss Japanese foods.

ミネソタにはUnited Noodlesというアジアンスーパーがあって、お米やお菓子などたまに買いに行くのですが、やはり品揃えは限られています。
There is a big Asian grocery store called United Noodles here and Andy and I sometimes go shopping there, but the selection is unfortunately pretty limited.

So, I was researching about online stores sometimes and finally found a very nice shop.

It's a Japanese store in CA and they do online store as well.

Tokyo Central

まず、何より品揃えがすごく充実しているのと、United Noodlesよりも安い値段のものもたくさんあるんです。
First off, the selection of products is so big compared to United Noodles and the prices are actually very reasonable too.

One of the cons of online shopping is shipping fee, but at this store, if you purchase more than $60, the shipping cost gets 50% off and if you spend mroe than $120, the shipping cost goes free!!

Hit-chanの場合、United Noodlesには頻繁に行かない事もあって、行けば$120くらいあっという間に使ってしまっていたので、このオンラインショップで$120使うのは全く難しくありません。
Me personally, it's super easy to spend over $120 at United Noodles since I don't go that often, so I have no difficulty to spend as much as it at this shop either.

I was so excited to see the big variety of Japanese snacks and sweets on the website and tried to order some from them.

I got the package from them the other day and I totally give them a big thumbs up.

お米や生ものなどはこれからもUnited Noodlesで買うと思いますが、お菓子類はこれからこのTokyo Centralにお世話になりそうです。
I still want to use United Noodles to get desent rice or fresh products, but I'm definitely going to use Tokyo central to get my familiar and favorite Japanese snacks and candies.

I guess this information is totally nothing for people living in Japan, but I hope it'll help you in the US!!

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