Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

おうち幼稚園2024 (Home Summer School 2024)

2024-07-28 17:02:39 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

Hello folks!




How has your summner been so far? 




I mentioned this here a couple of times before, but one of my Japanese mom friends, K-chan, and I open home preschool for K-chan's daughter, Ah-chan and my daughter, May-chan during this summer break just as we did last summer. 




K-chan's family is now in Japan and is going to stay there for about a month, so the total number of times we open the school is going to be less than last summer, but we did 4 times a week teaching the girls Japanese and math before K-chan's family left here for Japan. 




Besides K-chan's family staying in Japan for a month, her daughter, Ah-chan, also participated a couple of summer school, so we made our home school plan 13 full days and 9 half days between June and August.  




We've been teaching the girls Japanese and Math. 




We divided the 22 days into 8 math days and 14 Japanese days. 




The half day schedule is like this. 




The full time schedule is like this. 




K-chan and I discussed and decided that she's going to teach math and I was going to do Japanese and also we would alternately take turns to get ready for lunch and snack too. 




In Japanese class, the girls are learing 80 differnt kanjis which Japanese 1st graders learn. In math class, they are learning multiplication.




Needless to say, it's pretty impossible for the 5 & 6 year-old girls to complete all the 80 different kanjis only in the 14 classes, so we're going to make them do 6 pages of new kanji workbook a week on average even while K-chan's family is in Japan so that we can finish all the 80 kanjis by the end of August. 




Ah-chan is now 6 years old and May-chan is now 5 years old, so it's just a little bit advanced level for them to learn kanjis and multiplication now, but especially for kanjis, they go to Japanese school only once a week, which is impossible to cover everything generally kids in Japan learn in school. 



"Sooner or later in the future, they're going to get behind in Japanese education if they start learning things at the same time as students in Japan, so let's start earlier and go ahead as much as pissible before it is too late." K-chan and I agreed. 




In all honesty, I don't expect that the girls will perfectly master either 80 different kanjis or multiplication during this summer break, but I believe that they're going to feel familiar with them as they practice them over and over and then it will be easier for them to work on those kanjis or multiplication again when they turn 1st grade or 2nd grade. 




The home preschool is at K-chan's house just as last year. 




May-chan looks in a good mood in this pic, but it's a little bit hard for her to sit down and concentrate on something for a certain amount of time.  




Ah-chan was in Kindergarten in the last year, so she's better at sitting down and working on her task than May-chan. 




Oh well, both the 5 and 6 year-old girls are now better at complaining about things than last year and they often have a hard time to listen to their moms. 




In such a situation, K-chan takes care of May-chan and I take care of Ah-chan. The girls tend to listen better to someone not their mom, so we run the classes as we praise or scold them all the time. 




While the big girls work hard on their studying, Hi-chan (Ah-chan's sister) patiently waits until the class ends as copying what the big girls do or playing by herself. 




After lunch, we usually go to a park nearby, which is their favorite time!




"Do you guys still have energy left!?" the girils frequently make us wonder. They really have bottomless energy and can keep playing for a long time. 




On rainy days, it feels like that they tend to make more arguments or complaints than ususal.
(The park time is actually a good refreshing time for moms too.)




After their another favorite time, a snack time, it's a story time by K-chan. 
(The girls are supposed to take turns to pick up a book for the day, but "I'm the one to pick up a book!!" "No, I am!!" they often caused unnecesarry fights earlier when we started this home school. Haha.) 




After the story time, we practice reading the multiplication chart together, from 1x1 to 9x9 which is very common in Japan, and the youngest, Hi-chan's very good at it and now randomly says like "2x2=4!!" when she's playing by herself too. 




In the end of the class, we sing along a song which is made by my brother and his wife who used to do a band when they're younger. All the girls love the song and get so hyper and dance every time we play the song. LOL




Yeah, this is how we spend a day in home school. 




K-chan;s family is in Japan and the next home school is going to be on the last week of August. So, until then, May-chan and I are going to keep working on the new kanjis and multiplication chart by ourselves so that we won't forget what we've done.  




To be honest with you, if it was just May-chan and me studying Japanese, it'd be much more challenging. Thanks to Ah-chan and K-chan, I've been able to give May-chan decent Japanese education so far. 




K-chan's family going to move back to Japan in some years for sure, so I do hope that we can keep doing this summer home school together as long as they're in MN. 




Okay, I shared our summer home school with you guys today. Thank you for reading again! Bye for now. 




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