Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

頑張れAndyっち!(Go, Go Andy!!)

2015-02-10 17:38:53 | MN生活(5年目) (MN 2014-15)

How are you doing today?

This winter has been mild in MN.

We've got snow some times, but even when it snows, we're so spoiled since our generous neighbor Bruce plows our driveway by his car so quick.

His car is like this.

Last Christmas, we got him a pound of Caribou coffee with our big gratitude, but I don't think it's enough for his work at all, so I want to find something better this Christmas for sure.

We're so blessed anyways because our ex-neighbor, Dennis, plowed the driveway when we lived in our first house and now Bruce does our driveway too.

We shouldn't forget their generosity and kindness and have to pay it forward to somebody else when we can become a help.

So, speaking of the title, what hes been working on so hard is...Japanese!!!

It's been almost 5 years since we got married, but he finally started getting interested in learning Japanese.

Actually, Andy is not particularly a Japanese geek or something and I didn't want to push learning Japanese on him so much.

Still, he is willing to write some personal messages in Japanese on a letter or greeting card to my parents or friends in Japan, but it was like that he thinks about the message in English and I translate and write down in Japanese for him and he tried to write it down just as my handwriting.

So, Japanese letters didn't look more than unreadable symbols for him.

And the other day, he looked so serious and asked me,

"Honey, I have a huge favor for you."

I got a little worried and thought "What, What?? What is it??" and tried to be prepared for any serious favor, but he goes

"Can you teach me Japanese like twice a week??"

Oh my god!!! Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I'd love to do that for you!!!!

In fact, we might be able to go to Japan together this year which is going be the first visit for him, so he might start feeling my country closer and more realistic.

So, now we have a Japanese lesson about 1 hour on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The Dummies book is actually one of Christmas presents from me. I made some cards for him too.

We just finished the 4th lesson so far and finished all the Hiragana letters from "あ" though "ん"

I have him to take a test about letters he learned in the previous lesson every time so that he can memorize those letters for sure.

Andy's been trying so hard besides on everyday's office work and memorizing more and more letters every week.

I think that the most important thing to master a language is to keep touching it for a longer time even if every lesson is a little time rather than learning a lot of things at a same time and keeps it for a shorter time.

Anyways, I'm so proud of my husband starting new thing!!!

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