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甲状腺刺激ホルモン (Controling TSH level)

2018-07-13 10:37:48 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How are you doing?

This is for my own record and I want to write about TSH (Thyloid Stimulating Hormon).

When Andy and I first started trying to get pregnant and visited the clinic here, they did some blood tests to find out if there's something wrong with me.

Then, they found out that my TSH level is higher than the normal level.
(It came from the radiation therapy that I did before.)

Fortunately, it's easy to control TSH level by taking a certain medichine and in my case, I started taking Levothyroxine.

When we went to Japan for IVF treatment this year, I brought the medichine with me there.

Though, I stayed there for 4 months and used up the entire bottle on halfway. So, I asked my doctor in Japan and got a new prescription there.

The medichine was same as the one prescribed in the US, but there's one different thing which was the dosage since my doctor in Japan said "I don't hear the dosage, 75㎍, here." and she prescribed just 25㎍ for me.

Just as the epression says, "When in Japan, Do as the Japanese do.", I just followed what my doctor in Japan said and they didn't do a blood test for me till I left Japan after all.

Of course, I was concerned about it and asked my doctor in Japan if I would need to do a blood test for that one time. Then, she said "Oh, we'll do that next time." and sounded like it wasn't such a big deal.

Then, when I had my first appointment here, they did tons of blood test including TSH level.

When I was in Japan, I had been taking one third of the dosage in the US, so I was wondering how my TSH level would be like on the latest test. And the result was...

15.74uIU/mL (正常値 0.30-4.50uIU/mL)

Oh no! My TSH level got over the normal number again.

Right after the result, I switched back to the US dosage, 75㎍.

On the next appointment, I asked my doctor here about it too.

"My TSH level was higher than the normal number on the last blood test. I think it's because the dosage that I was taking in Japan was way less than here."

Then, she said

"Yeah, we're going to do the blood test on the next appointment."

she didn't sound that serious like my doctor in Japan.

I've read that TSH level during pregnancy should be less than 2.5uIU/mL and my thyloid doctor said the same thing. Though, my both OB-GYM doctors in Japan and the US didn't care about it too much. I guess it doen't need that emergency care. It's kind of mystery though.

I've been taking 75㎍ lately and I think my next blood test will bring a better result anyways.

Fortunately, my baby has been doing well and I'm taking things pretty easy.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!

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