Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

明けましておめでとうございます! (Happy New Year 2022!)

2022-01-01 19:09:25 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Happy New Year, everyone!!

2022 has just started!

Well, my family happened to have the most exhausting and dramatic Christmas at the end of last year, so Andy and I were deadly exhausted both mentally and physically and were like living dead on New Year's Eve when we're back home from Dad&Mom's house up north. LOL

Needless to say, neither of us could make it to midnight on New Year's Eve, so we welcomed 2022 while we're fast asleep. Today, on New Year's day, we're still being lazy to get healed and back to normal.

When I look back at last year, I surely had a lot of fun memories. Though, the biggest drama at the end of last year was too big for me to cherish other memories at this time and made me feel that all I'd want for this year is a calm and quiet life.

Yeah, I wish that I could share more about the drama in details, but the story won't bring anything good to anybody anyways, so I should keep the silence.

Still, let me vent a little bit out by using a metaphor here. There's been an active volcano ever since I came to MN 11 years ago, and I've seen it making ominous noises several times before. Then, the volcano finally happened to explode at the end of last year, Christmas time which's supposed be the best time of the year.

I was just observing the volcano from a safe spot until then, but this time I got involved in the big explosion too.

Yeah, my honest feeling now is, "I don't want a holiday like this anymore!" Haha.

Still, this incident taught me a lesson too, which is "You can't change others. If you want to change something, change yourself."

I'd had the words as a motto in my mind since before, but the big explosion at last Christmas reminded me how important it was again.

So, my new year's resolutions for 2022 are...,

"Keep my life calm, peaceful and happy."

"If you want to fix something, do not try to change others, change yourself."

I guess these resolutions are very passive compared to my past ones, but they're are still very important to me and really telling who I want to be.

The world is still influenced by the pandemic, but I really wish that everyone can have a healthy and fun year in 2022.

I wish I could come and visit my family and friends in Japan this year too!

Okay, I'm sorry that I kind of complained about something on the first article of the year, but I'd love to share more fun stuff here this year, so I hope you'll keep enjoying my blog in 2022 too! For both my real and blog friends, I hope that we'll have a lot of exciting time together this year!

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