Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

セカンドステップ・その15 (The Second Step vol.15)

2017-08-11 11:15:39 | 2ndステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 1)

How's everything going in your life?

This is a Second Step article today.

The series of Second Step articles are about our experience of infertility treatment in the past. So, there's some time gap between the article and the real-time situation.

After the first meeting with Dr.J, we decided to do AIH/IUI with some medication.

What the prescription they gave me for is these 3 kinds. Clomid, Progesterone and Ovidrel(Shot).

They sent my prescription to the CVS right by my work and I picked them up right away.

They told me not to do anything with my medichine until they tell me to, so I left them unopened.

I had to call them right away when my period starts and it was actually Thursday night, so Andy called them in the next early morning. (We call the first day of period Day 1 and count the days after like Day2, Day3...)

So, in the Friday morning, on Day2, Andy and I went to the clinic to do ultrasound.

Andy left work early for that.

The ultrasound check itself took only 10mins or so by a kind nurs and she said everything looked fine.

After that, she said that I need to start taking Clomid from Day 3 which is the next day, 1 tablet every night for 5 days.

As fot the other 2 medichines, she told me not to touch them untill they tell me to again.

At last, the nurse who reviewed our patient form on the first visit explained about how to the other 2 medichines. She said that I need to insert Progesterone capsule vaginally and showed me how to get myself a shot for Ovidrel too.

I personally don't have any fear to get myself a shot, but it was very helpful to watch her demonstration with a small rubber ball instead of her belly. It solved my questions and now I think I can do it for sure. haha.

On the 10th through 12th, Day10 to Day12, I need to go in the clinic for another ultrasound and have them check how much my folicles are growm.

My Day10 and Day11 are going to be Saturday and Sunday which means the clinic is closed, so my next ultrasound is scheduled on Monday, March 27th.

So, this is how my first AIH/IUI with medicatioon started and everything is going well so far.

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