Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

自分らしく。(Being Myself)

2014-04-07 00:42:55 | MN生活(4年目) (MN 2013-14)

How are you doing today?

I skyped with my twin sisters and my dad last night and they gave me a lot of laughs and energy.

By the way, I've had some conflicts with others lately.

Starting from an argument with my mom a few months ago, I had an experience which made me wonder "What does that mean?" and those made me think what I was suppoesed to want to be like again.

Basically, I always want everyone to be who you are and that includes me being who I am as well.

I'm being who I like to be and you're being who you like to be.

I think it's the best if you and me both can be happy.

If you and someone get too close to be confortable with each other, you could keep a certain distance from the other so that you can stay happy and smile enough to think and care about the other one.

Still, I just learned that there's a hard time to find the most comfortable distance for both. Even the same distance is too far for one and too close for the other one.

Even the same thing feels differently depending on the person, so we can't tell what is right or wrong.

Everybody is different and I think that's why everyone is here and now.

After all, even someone irritates or upsets you so much, there's a reason in yourself why you feel that way.

My emotion formula is like "Not being myself=Not feeling comfortable=Not happy" so my happiness is derectly connecting to being myself, so I think when I'm not happy equals whan I'm not being myself.

I've got through the experience lately and that made me wonder "Did I hurt someone by being myself?", but some people kindly told me "You're just fine as you are." So, I was a little bit confused.

Anyways, I guess the key to get myself back is to keep doing something makes me excited and smile at every single moment.

That's actually my motto which I've had in my heart so far, so I've just got back to the origin.

So, I want to start with having a cup of coffee and ice cream now.

Oh well, if you get down or frustrated, what about starting from doing something makes you excited and smile first at the moment?

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