


2020-04-22 22:04:57 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム






この寺島メソッド 翻訳NEWSというサイトでは、私が最大の尊敬を捧げる「マスコミに載らない海外記事」と同様に、読み応えのある翻訳記事を多数読むことが出来ます。例えば4月18日付けのセルビア首相の発言の記事です。米欧が過去にセルビア、広くは、旧ユーゴスラビアに対して行った言語道断の行為を忘れてはなりません。









その中で、Reed Lindsayという記録映画作家がキューバの首都ハバナから、4月17日付で、その有様を報じています。その一部を原文で引用させてもらいます:


My confidence in Cuba is not rooted in numbers. Cuba has 862 cases, giving it an incidence rate 265 times lower than that of Blaine County, Idaho. (Cuba is at an earlier stage of contagion and cases are expected to increase at a more rapid pace in the coming weeks.) Instead, my assurance is based on the country’s public health system and its extensive network of dedicated, community-based doctors. Even with so many doctors abroad, 70,000 physicians remain in Cuba, giving the country one of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world—more than double that of the US.

On March 31, I followed one of these doctors, Liz Caballero, as she went door-to-door with two second-year medical students in the El Carmelo municipality of Havana. Dr. Liz, as she introduces herself, and her students hustled down alleys and up narrow stairways, knocking on dozens of doors, polling and educating residents on symptoms and best practices to avoid contagion. During dengue outbreaks, a small army of health professionals and students knock on every door across the country. This has become a daily routine in recent weeks—I received a check-in the other day from a pair of students while a doctor examined my ninety-five-year-old neighbor.

“They come every day around this time,” one resident told me. “I’m so grateful for what they’re doing,” said another.

Even in normal times, house calls are common in Cuba, where “family doctors” living in the same communities as their patients are the lynchpin of the country’s free healthcare system.

“The family doctor is playing a crucial role in fighting coronavirus because we have the community in our hands,” said Dr. Liz. “We’re working hard not just to avoid the worst-case scenario, but to alter the course of the disease.”

In El Carmelo, I asked the two medical students following Dr. Liz if they were optimistic about the possibility of Cuba’s containing the virus. They laughed as if I’d posed a stupid question.

“Always,” said nineteen-year-old Talía González. “What kind of doctors would we be if we were pessimistic?” ■



 米国のあらゆる企てにも屈せず、どうしてキューバは存在し続けているのか? 前掲のサイト「マスコミに載らない海外記事」にしばしば登場するAndre Vltchek(アンドレ・ヴルチェック?)という哲学者、小説家、映画製作者、調査ジャーナリストがいます。この人の2016年の論説『キューバは決して屈しない!(Cuba Will Not Fall!)』を読むと、優れた文学者の感覚で捉えたキューバ不滅の理由が読み取れます。





2020-04-22 21:48:46 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム






この寺島メソッド 翻訳NEWSというサイトでは、私が最大の尊敬を捧げる「マスコミに載らない海外記事」と同様に、読み応えのある翻訳記事を多数読むことが出来ます。例えば4月18日付けのセルビア首相の発言の記事です。米欧が過去にセルビア、広くは、旧ユーゴスラビアに対して行った言語道断の行為を忘れてはなりません。









その中で、Reed Lindsayという記録映画作家がキューバの首都ハバナから、4月17日付で、その有様を報じています。その一部を原文で引用させてもらいます:


My confidence in Cuba is not rooted in numbers. Cuba has 862 cases, giving it an incidence rate 265 times lower than that of Blaine County, Idaho. (Cuba is at an earlier stage of contagion and cases are expected to increase at a more rapid pace in the coming weeks.) Instead, my assurance is based on the country’s public health system and its extensive network of dedicated, community-based doctors. Even with so many doctors abroad, 70,000 physicians remain in Cuba, giving the country one of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios in the world—more than double that of the US.

On March 31, I followed one of these doctors, Liz Caballero, as she went door-to-door with two second-year medical students in the El Carmelo municipality of Havana. Dr. Liz, as she introduces herself, and her students hustled down alleys and up narrow stairways, knocking on dozens of doors, polling and educating residents on symptoms and best practices to avoid contagion. During dengue outbreaks, a small army of health professionals and students knock on every door across the country. This has become a daily routine in recent weeks—I received a check-in the other day from a pair of students while a doctor examined my ninety-five-year-old neighbor.

“They come every day around this time,” one resident told me. “I’m so grateful for what they’re doing,” said another.

Even in normal times, house calls are common in Cuba, where “family doctors” living in the same communities as their patients are the lynchpin of the country’s free healthcare system.

“The family doctor is playing a crucial role in fighting coronavirus because we have the community in our hands,” said Dr. Liz. “We’re working hard not just to avoid the worst-case scenario, but to alter the course of the disease.”

In El Carmelo, I asked the two medical students following Dr. Liz if they were optimistic about the possibility of Cuba’s containing the virus. They laughed as if I’d posed a stupid question.

“Always,” said nineteen-year-old Talía González. “What kind of doctors would we be if we were pessimistic?” ■



 米国のあらゆる企てにも屈せず、どうしてキューバは存在し続けているのか? 前掲のサイト「マスコミに載らない海外記事」にしばしば登場するAndre Vltchek(アンドレ・ヴルチェック?)という哲学者、小説家、映画製作者、調査ジャーナリストがいます。この人の2016年の論説『キューバは決して屈しない!(Cuba Will Not Fall!)』を読むと、優れた文学者の感覚で捉えたキューバ不滅の理由が読み取れます。


