極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts


2015-12-28 16:54:06 | 二次大戦ドイツ


過去(Saturday, June 6, 2015 8)、Before its news英文の記事内容です。このサイトは、過去7億3千万以上のアクセスを有するサイトで、多くの事実のみを記載してるようです。86才、ドイツ人の彼女(HAVERBECKさん)のホロコースト(大虐殺)疑問発言、ドイツ、ヨーロッパでは理不尽にも大きな自己犠牲を伴います。


Before its newsはドイツ・テレビBでのHAVERBECKさんの発言の事実を報道しています。彼女はナチスでも何でも無く、これまで当局が発表した情報に疑問を投げかけているだけです。










This 86 year old German lady looks pretty harmless. But apparently she presents a grave danger to the corrupt establishment in Germany and all of Europe. Back in March she appeared on German national TV to directly challenge the Holocaust – a first for post WWII Orwellian Europe. Her house was just raided and ransacked by German police. She will face five years in prison if convicted – a likely death sentence for an 86 year old woman. Here is the source (in German): Here is the video that sparked so much controversy:
Ms. Haverbeck joins a growing list of thought criminals who face persecution in Europe for “Holocaust Denial.” If Haverbeck is wrong, why doesn’t the government simply refute her claims with facts? Only a tyrannical dictatorship has to arrest people for challenging a piece of history.
In a new YouTube video entitled ‘Auschwitz – Media lies or the truth at last?’ (below) produced by Lady Michelle Renouf, Frau Ursula Haverbeck, speaking publicly at a conference in the German State of Saxony-Anhalt, has declared a victory for Germans in “dispensing with Auschwitz as the ‘scene of the crime’ of the holocaust.” She said “According to official statements, Auschwitz is no longer considered the scene of the most wicked crime in history – the alleged murder of six million Jews. So the question arises: where did this crime take place? Where is the scene of the German’s crime? This is the burning question of the six million. Where are they?”
“Over a period of five years”, says Frau Haverbeck, “I have challenged in writing, various German authorities, including judges, the chamber of lawyers, German-Jewish organizations and the ministers of the various German states, to ‘define the scene of the crime’. If not at Auschwitz, then where did it happen?” The ‘authorities, she contends, must demonstrate where it happened, and she feels that they have had more than ample time, but have not done so. Which begs the question: “why not?”. Frau Haverbeck says “they have failed to reply, because they have no answer! And if they have no answer, then I must conclude that there is no evidence to substantiate the official narrative concerning the murder of six million Jews!”
German-Canadian artist and activist Ernst Zundel has also faced persecution for his challenge to the official narrative of Germans as eternal and exclusive oppressors and the Allies and Jews as the exclusive victims:
Sylvia Stolz, the former defence attorney for Ernst Zundel has been convicted today in a Munich court, once again under the tyrannical BRD laws concerning so-called “holocaust denial” and thereby “inciting racial hatred”. She was sentenced to 20 months in prison with no possibility of parole.
The case stems from her presentation at the AZK in Switzerland in 2012 where she spoke about “Free Speech”, and her previous conviction under §130, the court procedures, banned speech, banned evidence and banned legal defence.
Revising the Holocaust Narrative (Germar Rudolf Spent Time in Prison for “Denying the Holocaust”)
An increasing number of scholars and lay people clearly see that something is not right with Elie Wiesel and the current Holocaust narrative. The writings of Germar Rudolf and others simply confirm what they already suspect. They may care little for chemical traces in the brickwork at Auschwitz or topological evidence of mass graves, but they have seen other historical events substantially revised and they are suspicious of the outrage and scorn heaped upon those who question the uniqueness and scope of this particular event, especially when it is used to persecute Palestinians and promote endless war in the Middle East.
That Jews suffered greatly during the Third Reich is not in question, but the notion of a premeditated, planned and industrial extermination of Europe’s Jews with its iconic gas chambers and immutable six million are all used to make the Holocaust not only special but also sacred. We are faced with a new, secular religion with astonishing power to command worship. And, like Christianity with its Immaculate Conception, Crucifixion, and Resurrection, the Holocaust has key and sacred elements – the exterminationist imperative, the gas chambers, and the sacred six million. It is these that comprise the holy Holocaust which Jews, Zionists, and others worship and which Germar Rudolf and other revisionists question

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