極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts


2017-06-25 13:33:48 | 戦後




「勇気」とは、普通の人が恐怖、不安、 躊躇、あるいは恥ずかしいなどと感じる事を恐れず、自分の信念を貫き、向かっていく積極的で強い心意気・・・世界には勇気をもって真実を語った人達が多くいます。

以下文に記したケインズ、パール判事、ブレイクニー、ローガン弁護人・・・これらの人達は、自国と自国民を裏切って日本を弁護したのではありません。一貫しているのは、 法の精神に基づいて、自国のことも他国のことも是は是、非は非とするフェアーな態度です。この態度は現代日本人も学び真習うべきです。











*ベン・ブルース・ブレイクニー(Ben Bruce Blakeney)弁護人(東京裁判)
















以後、欧米州、アジア、アフリカ等々でパール判事の判決が正しい とする学者が大勢現われ、今日もパール判事の判決は非常に正当なものだったと世界的に大きく評価され、世界の法律学生の参考資料として生かされているそうです。






東京裁判担当のマッカーサー元帥自身、昭和26年5月3日、米国議会上院の軍事外交合同委員会で行われた第2次世界大戦における対日戦略(Strategy Against Japan In World War II)で、ヒッケンルーパー上院議員(Senator Hickenlooper)の5番目の質疑応答で、日本は侵略戦争したのではなく自己防衛のためであったと明確に発言しています。
















Strategy Against Japan In World War II
Senator Hickenlooper.
Question No. 5: Isn't your proposal for sea and air blockade of Red China the same strategy by which Americans achieved victory over the Japanese in the Pacific?

General MacArthur.
Yes, sir.
In the Pacific we bypassed them.
We closed in.
You must understand that Japan had an enormous population of nearly 80 million people, crowded into 4 islands.
It was about half a farm population. The other half was engaged in industry.
Potentially the labor pool in Japan, both in quantity and quality, is as good as anything that I have ever known.
Some place down the line they have discovered what you might call the dignity of labor, that men are happier when they are working and constructing than when they are idling.
This enormous capacity for work meant that they had to have something to work on.
They built the factories, they had the labor, but they didn't have the basic materials.
There is practically nothing indigenous to Japan except the silkworm.
They lack cotton, they lack wool, they lack petroleum products, they lack tin, they lack rubber, they lack a great many other things, all of which was in the Asiatic basin.
They feared that if those supplies were cut off, there would be 10 to 12 million people unoccupied in Japan.
Their purpose, therefore, in going to war was largely dictated by security.

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free journalist Miss Shiori Ito & Miss International, 2012 Miss. Yoshimatsu

2017-06-19 21:15:02 | English diary

Two duplicates, free journalist Miss Shiori Ito (28 years old), Miss International, 2012 Ms. Yoshimatsu (then 28 years old)


Mr. Yasuyuki Yamaguchi, a freelance journalist who is suspected of rape by suspects of victim women's real name interview, continuing cloud hiding, ... why do not you dispute confidently? It will be a lot of courage for women to sue rape damage, especially in Japanese society. On the net, there is bashing against victim woman Ito Shiori and the  Japanese society disappears.

It was Miss. Ito's real name interview acting as a free journalist ... Acting as a free journalist, he also has her official blog "Shiori Ito", Facebbok, twitter, and an account account, and interest from the outgoing information It seems like economic, women's problem, Middle East · Asian situation etc. It seems that a crime has occurred while trying to raise his name as a free journalist from now on.

Journalist Keiyuki Yamaguchi allegedly raped his colleague Shiori Ito, and victim himself, 28-year-old Ito, 28, held a press conference on May 29.

Miss. Ito said that he did not want to be reported as an anonymous victim woman about the reason for doing a press conference and said that he wanted to reveal the actual condition of the damage by issuing his real name and he should be strong in alcohol at a press conference, I testify that consciousness suddenly disappeared while I was having a meal.

Regarding the experiences at that time, my consciousness came back on the bed of the hotel around 5 am the next morning. I am naked and with Mr. Keiyuki Yamaguchi straddling me on my back, I withhold details but clearly I can say, irrespective of my intention, then I Miss. Shiori said that he was performing sex act against the intention of Miss. Shiori and strengthened his words with tears.

In addition, evidence from the police 's DNA appraisal and camera survey has been prepared, and it was revealed that the investigator was in touch with Mr. Yasuyuki Yamaguchi, arresting him, that the investigator could not arrest with instructions from above, It is.

Miss. Ito seems to be appealing to Mr. Yasuyuki Yamaguchi to appeal to the prosecution review board now.


Miss. Ito studied abroad in New York to learn journalism, it seems that it is going around the world in Facebook content, and Shoori Ito seems to have not only the beauty but also the view of the world full of justice and speculation I also think. It seems that we are also disseminating information on sexual crimes in Japan. It seems that this time, unexpectedly experienced it. There seems to be some people bashing some people against these real names.

Miss. Mariko Hayashi who cheered on these bashing to Shiori Ito, a brave celebrity!

Weekly Bunshuu (Bungeishunnjyuu autumn) June 22 issue of a series column, Mr. Yamaguchi rape case is introduced as a cramped case.

It was a courageous accusation of a beautiful woman, so the media seems to have jumped. Miss. Shiori was tearful during the interview.

Mariko Hayashi points out that women in modern women's media industry are worried that how many contemporary women are going through it while being exposed to various traps and dangers,

Believe the following!

"No matter what kind of important thing you go to, you are absolutely NO if a woman says NO. If you ignore it, you are absolutely a crime!"


Reason why rape suspicion is taboo in bunshuu

Mariko Hayashi, in this rape case, wrote that arrest was canceled just prior to the pressure from above. When trying to appeal it, great power works, the fact that Japan became an era of fear, as if it is really scary ... the sexual violence against women was sealed and hidden by a great force as a problem Miss

. Mariko Hayashi's point is a just argument.

Since allegations of Yasuyuki Yamaguchi rape abatement have been discovered, it seems that it is totally taboo to touch about this issue in Shukan Bunshuu.

It is strange that Massacre Yasuhiro Yamaguchi ignorance of rape suspicion is ignored ... I think it is unnatural thought. It is said that Mr. Keiyuki Yamaguchi and Weekly Bunshuu etc are closely related.

Relationship between Yamaguchi Noriyuki and Bunshuu · Shintani Editor-in chief?

Weekly Bunshuu is said to have created a journalist named Mr. Yasuyuki Yamaguchi, the background is said to have a close relationship with Mr. Shinya Shinkaku of current editor-in-chie · · ·

Many sexual offenses are occurring in the world, but feeling emptiness in a real society in which a side-spear enters unlawfully in legal correspondence in Japan called an advanced country. Perhaps there are countless cases of Japanese women involved in such unacceptable sexual crimes.

Miss. Ito (28 years old) and Miss. Yosimatu (then 28 years old) who are overlapping free journalists Miss ito and Miss. Yosimatu (then 28 years old) · · · I remember 2012, former · Miss International, Miss. Yoshimatsu (28 years old) stalker case I think that you can access it on the net etc ... especially for women "dignity" ...). At this brave news conference, negative Japanese society revealed and shocked many domestic and foreign people.

The media, courts, police etc. in Japanese society, unexpectedly one side which is not the kind of organization we are thinking has been exposed to the world inside and outside.

In particular, "dignity" for women, a Japanese society which moves by mistake society centers by all means ... Some of Japanese women in these facts may have corrected their own way of life greatly.

If Miss. Yoshimatsu was entering a crying night without being interviewed, I think that such unreasonable fact never came to society in the world and the world. I think that this courageous interview cast a single stone not only in Japanese society but also in the world, and disseminated "dignity" of Japanese women of advanced countries, many aspects of Japanese society unreasonable to many domestic and foreign worlds.


Although I was in the United States for a while at a time, the United States is also a country with many sexual offenses, but in the real name which is quite different from Japan is a real name, in the light of the law strictly, the US society severe sanctions against the criminal It is to add! I am thinking that it is far Japanese like sleeping lying down, Japanese wearing than Japan. Because many good American citizens strongly support the victims and do not forgive their victims.

Japanese women have an alias called Yamato Nadesiko who is in the world! Japanese women! If you are to appeal to society daringly and with courage! I think that it is extremely important, and the side who accepts the appeal should also respond with a dignified attitude as a civilized person.

Only this obvious crime is taking place, proper treatment will mean the collapse of Japanese judiciary, and many good people will pose a great question to the Japanese .

In order to open up a better society in Japan, I think that it is extremely important that you first know this Siori Ito incident, understand it, and have your own ideas.

Japan is also an advanced nation and a rule-of-law nation, and absolutely you should not allow this rape case of Ito Shinobu to be properly handled.

Justice is not always rolling in society, I think that the existence of justice becomes more certain by daily efforts so that it exists.

I hope that Miss. Ito's success as a freelance journalist in the future will continue to increase.


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フリージャーナリスト・伊藤詩織さん & 2012年、元・ミスインターナショナル・吉松育美さん

2017-06-19 13:00:23 | 女性の尊厳・性犯罪等




実名会見したのは伊藤詩織さん・・・フリー・ジャーナリストとして活動、躍中、彼女の公式ブログ「Shiori Ito」、Facebbok、twitter、インスタアカウントなども持っておられるようで、発信情報から見ると関心は経済、女性問題、中東・アジア情勢等々のようです。これからフリー・ジャーナリストとして名を上げていこうという中で犯罪が発生したようです。


























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2017-06-13 21:06:46 | トランプ大統領

以下文はMail online(2007・6・13)の記事です。英訳をもとに自分なりに思いを入れています。英語の参考文を最後に記しています。










財務長官がアメリカ史における最大の単一減税であるかもしれないことに取り組んでいると述べました。弁護士ゼフ・セッションズ(Jeff Sessions)は、MS-13(マラ・サルバトルチャ・Mara Salvatrucha は、中央アメリカ及びアメリカ合衆国に存在する大規模なギャングで、一般的には MS-13などと呼ばれています。)のような移民暴力団を取り除くことで大成功を収めたと述べました。





with members invited to talk about how great he is

Session with agency and department heads is officially for the beleaguered president to lay out his priorities and get government officials on the same page 

The meeting comes at a critical point - Trump  has no major legislative accomplishments to speak of with Russia and leaking taking over discussions

Meeting is taking place nearly two months past the point that it did when Obama was a recently-inaugurated president

And yet, Trump said: 'We've achieved tremendous success. I think we've been about as active as you could possibly be at a just about record-setting pace'

In course of 11 minute public session he went round the table and invited praise from cabinet members, who responded by tripping over each other to be positive about him 


President Donald Trump gave his Cabinet a big pat on the back Monday for the 'amazing results' he said it's brought about, despite Democrats' 'sad' attempts to stand in the way of his agenda. But they gave him a bigger pat on the back, going round the table to say nice things about him.

The president convened his Cabinet for the first time since taking office this morning as his administration attempted another reset now that its on the other side of James Comey's testimony.

Talking up his administration's progress, Trump said 'never has there been a president, with few exceptions' who's had so many accomplishments in such a short time frame.

'We've achieved tremendous success,' he declared. 'I think we've been about as active as you could possibly be at a just about record-setting pace.'

Trump pledged to 'starve the beast' of terrorism by whacking into extremists' financing and go after trade deals that will boost the US economy. He said his Treasury secretary is also working on what 'may be the biggest single tax cut in American history.'

To his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, Trump said the administration has had 'great success' taking out immigrant gangs such as MS-13, which is 'being depleted' and will be 'gone pretty soon.


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2017-06-13 13:44:56 | 日本社会

以下文は、ニューヨーク・タイムス、Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent、SEPT. 10, 2014の概訳ですが、誤訳が多々あるかも知れません。











「ニューヨーク・タイムス、Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent、SEPT. 10, 2014」





全く電子端末を取り上げるというのは難しいでしょうから、まずは「時間を制限」することをお勧めします。これはNo Screen Policy(ノー・スクリーン・ポリシー)と呼ばれています。

あなたの子供はiPadが好きでなければなりません?と尋ねました・・・彼は私に、 我々は子供が自宅でどれくらいのテクノロジーを使用するかについて制限する必要性を話しました。





5人の子供たちに電子端末の有害性を説明しました。それは、我々が直接接し、テクノロジーの危険性がわかったからですし、 自分自身の中にそれを認めました、私はそれが子供に起こるのを見たくありません。特に有害な危険性はポルノです。


じゃ、どのように、父母は子供達のため電子端末使用時間の線を引きますか? 一般にはそれは年齢でセットされます!








“My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists. They say that none of their friends have the same rules. That's because we have seen the dangers of technology first hand. I've seen it in myself, I don't want to see that happen to my kids.”

“Every evening Steve made a point of having dinner at the big long table in their kitchen, discussing books and history and a variety of things. No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices.”
When Steve Jobs was running Apple, he was known to call journalists to either pat them on the back for a recent article or, more often than not, explain how they got it wrong. I was on the receiving end of a few of those calls. But nothing shocked me more than something Mr. Jobs said to me in late 2010 after he had finished chewing me out for something I had written about an iPad shortcoming.
“So, your kids must love the iPad?” I asked Mr. Jobs, trying to change the subject. The company’s first tablet was just hitting the shelves. “They haven’t used it,” he told me. “We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”
I’m sure I responded with a gasp and dumbfounded silence. I had imagined the Jobs’s household was like a nerd’s paradise: that the walls were giant touch screens, the dining table was made from tiles of iPads and that iPods were handed out to guests like chocolates on a pillow.
Nope, Mr. Jobs told me, not even close.
Since then, I’ve met a number of technology chief executives and venture capitalists who say similar things: they strictly limit their children’s screen time, often banning all gadgets on school nights, and allocating ascetic time limits on weekends.
I was perplexed by this parenting style. After all, most parents seem to take the opposite approach, letting their children bathe in the glow of tablets, smartphones and computers, day and night.
Yet these tech C.E.O.’s seem to know something that the rest of us don’t.
Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired and now chief executive of 3D Robotics, a drone maker, has instituted time limits and parental controls on every device in his home. “My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules,” he said of his five children, 6 to 17. “That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”
The dangers he is referring to include exposure to harmful content like pornography, bullying from other kids, and perhaps worse of all, becoming addicted to their devices, just like their parents.
Alex Constantinople, the chief executive of the OutCast Agency, a tech-focused communications and marketing firm, said her youngest son, who is 5, is never allowed to use gadgets during the week, and her older children, 10 to 13, are allowed only 30 minutes a day on school nights.
Evan Williams, a founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium, and his wife, Sara Williams, said that in lieu of iPads, their two young boys have hundreds of books (yes, physical ones) that they can pick up and read anytime.
So how do tech moms and dads determine the proper boundary for their children? In general, it is set by age.
Children under 10 seem to be most susceptible to becoming addicted, so these parents draw the line at not allowing any gadgets during the week. On weekends, there are limits of 30 minutes to two hours on iPad and smartphone use. And 10- to 14-year-olds are allowed to use computers on school nights, but only for homework.
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“We have a strict no screen time during the week rule for our kids,” said Lesley Gold, founder and chief executive of the SutherlandGold Group, a tech media relations and analytics company. “But you have to make allowances as they get older and need a computer for school.”
Some parents also forbid teenagers from using social networks, except for services like Snapchat, which deletes messages after they have been sent. This way they don’t have to worry about saying something online that will haunt them later in life, one executive told me.
Although some non-tech parents I know give smartphones to children as young as 8, many who work in tech wait until their child is 14. While these teenagers can make calls and text, they are not given a data plan until 16. But there is one rule that is universal among the tech parents I polled.
“This is rule No. 1: There are no screens in the bedroom. Period. Ever,” Mr. Anderson said.
While some tech parents assign limits based on time, others are much stricter about what their children are allowed to do with screens.
Ali Partovi, a founder of iLike and adviser to Facebook, Dropbox and Zappos, said there should be a strong distinction between time spent “consuming,” like watching YouTube or playing video games, and time spent “creating” on screens.
“Just as I wouldn’t dream of limiting how much time a kid can spend with her paintbrushes, or playing her piano, or writing, I think it’s absurd to limit her time spent creating computer art, editing video, or computer programming,” he said.
Others said that outright bans could backfire and create a digital monster.
Dick Costolo, chief executive of Twitter, told me he and his wife approved of unlimited gadget use as long as their two teenage children were in the living room. They believe that too many time limits could have adverse effects on their children.
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“When I was at the University of Michigan, there was this guy who lived in the dorm next to me and he had cases and cases of Coca-Cola and other sodas in his room,” Mr. Costolo said. “I later found out that it was because his parents had never let him have soda when he was growing up. If you don’t let your kids have some exposure to this stuff, what problems does it cause later?”
I never asked Mr. Jobs what his children did instead of using the gadgets he built, so I reached out to Walter Isaacson, the author of “Steve Jobs,” who spent a lot of time at their home.
“Every evening Steve made a point of having dinner at the big long table in their kitchen, discussing books and history and a variety of things,” he said. “No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices.”


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A world that thoroughly hates the public's eyes, Japan's media

2017-06-11 11:00:47 | English diary

A world that thoroughly hates the public's eyes, Japan's media

Even now thoroughly Japan's media criticizing President Trump, Prime Minister Mei, Abe's prime minister
In recent days, the most popular TV on daytime seems desperate to President Trump, Mae 's criticism, Prime Minister Abe' s criticism ... How do you draw the president of the people of the nation, President Abe? Yuriko Koike, the citizen's eyes, is also the governor of the same ... What is common?
I think that the media etc. are flowing somewhere like hot water to protect vested interests, national interests, national interests.


In the case of looking at the world, Trump, President Putin, Prime Minister Mey etc, this national perspective will mean collapse of vested interests etc. from the viewpoint of vested interests, and there is a possibility that the disparity society will be rectified I think.
The world has made a disparate society all over the world under the name of globalization so far. It is said that the benefits of the disparate society have been absorbed by vestedowners. As President Trump has made remarks during the election period, the gains arising from this disparity have been absorbed and distributed to vested interests of the world. Trump, President Putin, Prime Minister, etc ... are raising the smoke in this overkilling globalization ... In particular, it is said that North Korea learned the meaning of globalization in Switzerland in particular.


By the appearance of trump President, well-recognized people such as the United States, Russia, Britain, France etc. are now beginning to notice globalization etc., the world media desperately seeing and depriving the composition which is raging on leader crush of these countries I will.
It is said that not only the world but many Japanese media are also hotbeds of vested rights and have absorbed a part of Japan's national interests and national interests.

Especially French leader Le Penn is similar in idea to President Trump, but it is affixed with extreme right party and label.
What is extreme right?
Normally the French citizen first principle, the EU who does not put its citizens first is complaining that there is a problem and a referendum of withdrawal will be done. In the first place, countries that do not put their citizens first will be funny and I think that it is natural policy beforehand.

There seems to be a lot of unfounded reports on the Japanese media covered by vested rights, and one-sided reports on these leaders, so it seems like content always like a corner of a box.


The Japanese media do not just report the facts fairly, and it is not always in the world that President Trump, Prime Minister Mei, Criticism of Prime Minister Abe alone is always propaganda itself, perfect president, prime minister. If you carefully examine the content of the press, the media coverage of the media is suspicious, the truth is like the wind blowing.


With the appearance of Trump President, the vested interest structure of the world has changed, subcontracted by the Western media that is affected Japan media, there seems to be no pride or justice. It would not be surprising if such a mass communication cheated the good people of the tea ceremony and brainwashed.

I think that there is an immeasurable aspect of how much the people will enrich when Japanese get to see newspapers, TV, and get information with the net (there is information on lies, but there is freedom to choose) .


Do not swallow the media coverage of the domestic and foreign for the sake of self-establishment of themselves ... Internet society is certainly truthful, although the information of the lie is overflowing, it is possible to investigate by examination oneself. It seems that accuracy can be said to be higher than far from media information.

For the future of Japan, for the sake of self-establishment of itself, I think that it is important not to swallow the information of domestic and foreign media as much as possible.

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2017-06-09 12:29:26 | 北朝鮮

以下文は米科学者連盟(FAS)、米中央情報局(CIA)ワールドファクトブック、核脅威イニシアチブ(NTI)、米国勢調査局資料、2013年04月12日時点のCNN.comの「Nuclearweapons: Who has what?」等を参考としています。素人が思う雑文プログです。





































世界の五大核保有国、米、露、中、英、仏はSSBN(Ballistic Missile Submarine Nuclear-Powered 搭載原子力潜水艦)と呼ばれる「SLBM(submarine- launched ballistic missile)は、射程に限らず潜水艦から発射する弾道ミサイル搭載原子力潜水艦」を保有、配備しています。





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2017-06-03 12:30:29 | 日本の異常気象等

以下文は主に、「氷河期へ向う地球」根本順吉著(1973年)風濤社、NASA・Average Monthly Atarctic Sea Ice Extent Noc 1978~2016、Royal Astronomical Society等々の資料を参考にしていますが・・・


(ワシントン 1日 ロイター)トランプ米大統領は6月1日、地球温暖化対策の国際枠組み、パリ協定から米国が離脱すると発表、離脱は選挙公約通りです。





トランプ大統領がCO2地球温暖化に懐疑的と言うと、欧米、日本の主要メディアは全て反発します、これらのメディアには利権が見え隠れします。世界にはCO2温暖化対策団体等をFraud group(詐欺団体)と言われる方も多いのも事実です。





mail online  20 sep 2013より抜粋

World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up'the fact that the earth's temprerature hasn't risen for the last 15years


Leaked UN report reveals the warld's temprerature hasn't risen for the last 15years


















地球寒冷化は正確な調査、科学的根拠が示されており、誰でも見て納得することが出来ます。お勧めはNASA、Royal Astronomical Society等がお勧めです。


























 太陽黒点周期の長さの変化と北半球気温偏差との相関・・・1861~1989(Friis-Christensen and Lassen,1991)は一致した相関です。気温の経年変化は太陽活動のサイクルに対応して変化していることが分かります。

 「太陽活動」、どのような現象であって、その現象がどのような物理過程によって地球表面の平均気温に変動を生じるのか・・・宇宙線が大気に飛び込んで大気をイオン化させてそれが核となって雲ができ、雲は太陽光をさえぎり気温低下となるとしています。この説は欧州原子核研究機構(CERN )等々の最新の研究調査結果と同じです。


CO2地球温暖化説で話題となる、気候変動に関する政府間パネル(Intergovernmental Panel on Cclimate Change,IPCC)とは?







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President trump trying to regain the original America

2017-06-01 16:33:46 | English diary

When we say the United States, we Japanese are strong leaders of the world and I thought that many people living a rich life.

From the Japanese after the defeat, America was a dreamlike world.

However, I think that the United States has changed completely since decades ago.

Under the name of globalization, it seems to be top priority to unify the world by globalization rather than the interests of good Americans.

As a result, many disparate societies were created in American society.


I think that American society really seen from the Japanese people was not such a society.

It was a reliable presence that leads the world and has the most military power in the world.

I think America is a disparate society and American citizens really suffer.

Japan is still taking policy before the Trump regime, resulting in a disparate society that is equal to the United States.

Now Prime Minister Abe is working on correcting the disparity society in Japan, but the media surrounding Japan is trying to bring Prime Minister Abe down from the administration.


President Trump and Prime Minister Abe are likely to think closer. Both of us are under severe criticism from the media.

A lot of Japanese do not notice this · ·

I think that American citizens have noticed the identity of globalization.

Courage and pioneer spirit live for good American citizens.

Because I chose President Trump.


I think the Japan-US alliance is extremely important. I think it is necessary to keep hand in hand.

I believe President Trump and Prime Minister Abe will correct any disparity society even a little.

The future of the world may change President Trump and Prime Minister Abe.

Good Americans, Japanese think that it is important not to believe the media too much. I think that the attitude that I examine and judge myself is important.


President Trump, you can see that the real enemy of Prime Minister Abe is the media. Media is a global list group.

Japanese and American citizens need to be prepared to fight the media together.

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2017-06-01 12:13:35 | 日韓

以下文は、米国・Watching Americaの記事で、韓国SEデイリー誌の2017年5月17日版で韓国語からの英語に翻訳、エリザベス・コスグリフ氏により2017年5月28日にWatching Americaに投稿されたものです。韓国の安全保障(THAAD)問題の一端を知ることが出来ます。素人日本語訳で誤訳等が多いと思いますので、最後に原文を載せています。Watching Americaは、お勧めサイトの一つです。















South Korea’s Government and Ruling Party Should Take Greater Care in Making THAAD-Related Statements

Published in SE Daily (S. Korea) on 17 May 2017
Translated from Korean by Kang An. Edited by Elizabeth Cosgriff.
Posted on May 28, 2017.

Upon being asked about the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system during a radio interview on May 17, the newly elected floor leader of the liberal Minjoo Party of Korea, Woo Won-shik, answered, “We have to look into issues including the possibility of sending back THAAD, if it has not properly undergone domestic legal procedures.” This statement directly opposes or withdraws from the stance of “strategic ambiguity” that the former floor leader Woo Sang-ho and the liberal party maintained during the presidential election. Furthermore, Woo made it clear that the deployment of the THAAD requires parliamentary approval.

Rep. Woo has since toned down his statement saying, “[W]e should deal with the case prudently, taking the lives and safety of our people into consideration,” as his position doesn’t speak for the rest of the liberal party. However, it was inappropriate for the leader of the ruling party to make such a remark that could drastically change the course of the nation’s security policy, especially at a time when the Korean peninsula is facing increasing tensions following North Korea’s ballistic missile provocation that took place shortly after the inauguration of South Korea’s new president. The same day, Hong Seok-hyun, an ambassador to Washington, had also made a comment that doesn’t line up with Woo’s statement. “The whole process [of deploying the THAAD] was not democratic. So I think President Moon, when he was campaigning, made a pledge that [the THAAD issue] should be revisited,” Hong said. It is hard to determine for now what stance the ruling party is taking on the THAAD.

The current issue the Moon Jae-in administration is tackling is restraining North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations and normalizing diplomatic relations with our four neighboring nations. China and South Korea, both of whom are maintaining a lukewarm stance on North Korea sanctions, are up to their necks in diplomatic issues, one being the United States’ push for a pre-emptive strike that can create a disaster for South Korea. North Korea’s unpredictability is not helping either, as it continues provocations with ballistic missile tests even in the face of our new South Korean government that supports dialogue. This is the reason South Koreans are expressing both hope and concern over the ability of the new government to resolve security issues.

In the recent presidential election, President Moon emphasized the importance of inter-Korean dialogue and resolving diplomatic issues with neighboring nations. It is hence unwarranted for the new government to make such statements that could obstruct the nation’s path to that diplomatic solution. National security is not just a part of the regime’s political agenda, but a question of survival of the nation and its people. The members of the ruling party should take greater care in making security statements.


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