極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

Korean people are deceived by Korean opposition parties and anti-Japanese civil society.

2017-01-10 10:02:21 | English diary


The following sentences are based on Monthly publication Seiron (1992, 6), my war crimes, documents of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in 1996 and 1998 (the very few), Arimasa Kubo and other materials.


In 1983, Mr. Seiji Yoshida published a book titled "My war crimes, compulsion enticement of Koreans".
The content is the content of confession of the content that "I took a Korean woman 205 people by force of the Japanese military and forced them into a comfort women."

Since then, the Asahi Shimbun took up this a little and the stories of comfort women comfort women spread. The Asahi Shimbun took up the story of the comfort woman thoroughly and replaced it like the truth. This is the origin of comfort women issue!
In the past, there was no talk of a comfort women and so on. Of course, none of them came from the Korean side, nor did it exist on the Japanese side.
Everything is the beginning of the matter by Mr. Seiji Yoshida's book.

The terrible thing clearly proved that the story of Ms. Yoshida Seiji is a false story and it is a lie. Of course, Mr. Seiji Yoshida himself admitted as a lie, but he did not apologize.
In 1989 it was translated into Korean and told like the truth. It is the beginning of misfortune of both countries. Mr. Seiji Yoshida who does not admit his / her non-...

There seems to be a lot of people who have doubts about the content on Jeju Island in South Korea that forced the Korean women in the content of Mr. Seiji Yoshida.

Since then, the Jeju newspaper has investigated further, as a result, Mr. Seiji Yoshida's book was published as an article, but why was not reported in Japan for some reason.

In the newspaper article, if 15 people were to be drafted in a village with only about 250 houses, it was a serious major incident, but that was not the case at the time! A testimony of many villagers was posted in the newspaper at that time.
A Japanese contemporary historian, Kunihiko Hata also proved to be a fictional work by Mr. Seiji Yoshida, who got himself examined across Jeju and announced in the Journal Seiron (June 1992 issue).

Mr. Yoshida himself confessed that he was a fictional story at the Weekly Shincho (May 1996 issue), but there is no apology, there is not any interest in writing the truth in the book, is not it a matter of doing a newspaper

If it is for self-benefit, you can tell a lie in peace and how confusing the Japanese society has been brought about. Of course, Korean society as well. I also confused many Asian countries.

Let's spread the idea that Japan was a bad guy, even if it is based on leftist ideology (communist member), it will go beyond anger.

There are a lot of people all over the world who truly believe that there was a comfort women of Korean women who was forcibly taken to the former Japanese army.

Of course, it is a fact that there were comfort women on the battlefield. However, it is not something that is named as having served in the Japanese army. Such words and reality did not exist, there is a possibility that it was confused with the words of veteran nurse etc, but the sergeant is the word that gives the impression as if the Japanese army was forcibly entered.

Although it is hard to understand with the sense of the present age, some of the comfort women at the time say that because they become gold, some Japanese women, some women of Korean people, proceeded themselves in business on the battlefield. There were dealers (Japanese, Koreans, etc) who handled them. The Japanese army was only permitting its business to operate. The soldiers paid the money and the comfort women took it and was doing business.

On this matter Mr. Onoda likes exactly the same thing, if I do not know why the comfort women problem will happen ... I was never a comfort women ... · · · It was established as a business. Although it may be difficult to understand from the present era, it is said that desperately to live. Of course, it is said that there were people who were battlefields and caught up in the battle.

The comfort women of the battlefield are Germany, the United States and so on, at that time there are any military in any country. Although the comfort station was established also in the former Japanese army, they were doing business with a high price setting, soldier is a life unknown tomorrow, those who wait in line in a row It is said that there were many.
If you read the literature etc., it is said that the shop of the comfort station was in because the battlefield has profit far more even if there is danger. Many comfort women seemed to have earned income of about 10 times the salary of the university graduates at that time and about 100 times the soldiers. It is said that the house was built in the hometown in two or three years. It seems that they did voluntarily because they are all money, not compulsory entrainment etc. There is no need for the Japanese army to carry on compulsion.

In Korea by Mr. Seiji Yoshida 's Korean translation I was forcibly taken away, forced to make me a comfort woman ... ... Women who insisted that they should compensate one after another appeared.
It is said that the Korean government at that time was having a hard time suffering such a problem at this time.
Until then, there was no one who said such a thing, but suddenly they appeared on television and suddenly appealed the domineering of the former Japanese army tearfully.

It seems that those who thought that there was a woman who was forced to take away and made to be a comfort woman was forced to put in their testimonies really in Korea.
Most of the women who filed complaints are said to be compensation payment, not to say the facts.

In the past, women from former comfort women carried out a protest demonstration in front of the Japanese embassy, but one Korean woman was pulled out to the Japanese army 25 days before graduating school at the age of 19, I went to a comfort station! After all I wish I had died, I will die, kill me again! I cried, and I myself was proof of Japanese domineering comfort women comfort women! The face was televised on the TV with a big picture ... But this woman was actually a celebrity because the testimonies change in Korea even in Korea.

In 1993, the Japanese government interviewed women from 16 former comfort women. There were ten other former comfort witness testimony collections and I examined 26 people, but among them there was zero credible.

There were eight people who testified that they were compulsory taken out of the 26 people, but two of them examined at the Japanese side, but it was not a very reliable testimony because there was a discrepancy in the testimony.

From the Korean researchers side, the other four people seemed to be difficult to investigate because the story before and after the talk did not match. The remaining two people were those who worked as a comfort women instead of a battlefield, in the outskirts.
There was a comfort woman, but it seems that women for voluntary moneymaking could have gotten, not a compulsory military comfort woman.

The big problem was that the response of the Japanese government later was extremely bad and even though I could not find anything like a comfort woman due to forcible departure, the Japanese government at that time said, "I tried to soothe the Korean people We apologized to the Korean government easily "

Since the Korean government does not seek monetary compensation beforehand, it is said that there was a demand that it was decided that there was a compulsory takeoff of a comfort women.
On the other hand, the Japanese government did not find an example of compulsory entrainment when it surveyed, but since South Korea is so saying, let's suppose there was a compulsory take-off at this time. At that time the Japanese government was unfairly stigmatized to Japanese citizens.
The Japanese government at the time was astounded

An easy apology interview by the Japanese government was stigmered as a comfort women, a comfort women who does not exist in Japan.
After that, until now, it has become a sexual crime nation unparalleled in the world, if it is a decent Japanese, it is really angry.
The Japanese news that the Japanese government approved the Japanese government, the Japanese army was an outrageous person at a funny apology interview, and the Japanese government ran around the world.

On February 5, 1996, at the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Mr. Kumaraswami from Sri Lanka, based on Yoshida Kiyosito's book, the Japanese government apology interview, the request of the Korean private organization, etc, the former Japanese military sexual slavery system , A special report on violence against women (E / CN.4 / 1996/53) was submitted.

E/CN.4/1996/53「Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, submitted in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1995/85」

Also in 1998, the United States of Gay Makudogaru Ms., again this problem by taking blame the history of Japan, this so that the thoughtless easy correspondence at the time of the Japanese government, said to have attracted the big tail even now . It is detailed from the above special report.

E/CN.4/Sub.2/1998/13,22,June,1998「Systematic rape, sexual slavery and slavery-like practices during armed conflict Final report submitted by Ms. Gay J. McDougall, Special Rapporteur」

I wanted Japanese government officials to think about Japan's national interests and national interests. I think that it is whether to preserve short-term interests and self-interests that will continue from the postwar period if this is also thoroughly done.

It is said that not only Japanese citizens receive inconvenience, but also conscious people such as Korea, China, etc. are inevitably damaged by the result.
I think that the fictional story published by Mr. Seiji Yoshida has escalated and developed into an unfortunate big problem separating the two countries and has led to the problem of comfort women now.

There is no moral spirit of saying that if you gain profit even by Mr. Seiji Yoshida, selfish way of living can no longer be repaired.

My war crime, compulsion entrainment of Koreans ... I want many people to know this fact by tearing the hearts of the Korean people who are nearest neighbors. I hope many Koreans also know this truth by all means. I am writing English sentence of this sentence. Because young people think that there are many people who can understand English.

Park Geun - · I will add that the President of Korea is the few presidents who understand the truth of comfort women.


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