Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

DIY文化 ("Do It Yourself" Culture)

2019-05-11 09:15:55 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hello there!

How's your day going?

Mine is great!

Here in MN time, it's Mother's day tomorrow.

I've celebrated this day only as a daughter until this year and from this year, I became a member of Mother's team as well.

Actually, Andy, May and I are in Cross Lake for our first family trip after the addition of May.

We were not plnanning this trip particularily on this Mother's day weekend but had been talking, "Let's go up north!" for a while. Though, Andy was super busy or we had some other things on schedule, and we couldn't make it happen till now.

I'm going to write about this family trip later and want to talk about DIY today.

最近は日本でもたくさんの人が知っているというDIYという言葉。(Do It Yourself)の略で、まぁ、日曜大工の規模が少し大きいバージョンですかね。
So, in Japan, we've heard this word more commonly recently, DIY which stands for Do It Yourself.

Since I moved here, I've been feeling that DIY culture is very popular and familiar here in the US.

I hear that a lot of people paints their rooms by themselves, and Andy and I actually painted most of the rooms in our house with a big help from Dad&Mom and Brad when we moved in.

Our family does a lot of DIY projects too.

What I heard is that Dad&Mom did a lot of things by themselves for their house such as installing the wood floor, tiles and the electric wiring after the foundation and fundamental parts were done by a pro. Of course, their kids helped them too. (In Japan, you need a certain license to do electric installation though.)

Even now, Andy's brother, Brad has been working on his house and done with the floor, electric wiring, the bathroom and more with Dad&Mom and Andy.

The most surprising thing to me was that Andy and he made a big hall on the wall in the kitchen and added a new window.

So, we go to a hardware store very often too.

On that day, we went to Menards just to check some woods for Andy's DIY project.

He looked at some wood boards in person and got a better image for his plan.

We're there already, so Andy checked the water filters for when we need to replace ours next.

May-chan was taking a nap at that time.

I talked about this here, but we needed to fix the bath tub in our main bathroom and bought this repair kit.

This is a little different from DIY, but yard maintenance is kind of a big chore in general here too.

In our house, Andy's in charge of all the yard work, and I'd say that it's generally more work to do compared to yard maintenance in Japan.

To be honest, I'd never lived in a house with a yard in Japan, so it's a little bit had for me to say the difference between here and Japan, but in our yard, it's not like you pull out weeds by hand and done!

If you have a gorgeous garden in Japan, you'd hire a pro to take care of it for a regular basis, and it's same here.

Our yard is lawn and probably you'd know that it needs a lot of effort to keep it nice.

First off, you need to give it water and fertilizer enough to grow, and once it grows, you have to mow it very frequently.

Andy does the yard work by himself most of the time, but when he doesn't have time to do it, he sometimes ask a pro to mow or fertilize it.

Oh well, I don't have to do these yard works and usually just feel, "Oh, that looks a lot of work!" seeing Andy. Haha.

The other day, Andy wanted to do one of his yard projects done and borrowed a tractor from a very kind neighbor.

On the day, Andy said, "You might not be interested in this, but do you wanna take some pictures of this for your blog?"

From the front driveway...

he drove it on the road...

to get the back yard.

Andy used to do maintenance at a golf course when he's young, so it's familiar for him to drive these vehicles.

Thanks to the generous neighbor, Andy was super happy and said, "I could cut 15hours of the work at least with the tractor! It was so nice!"

Anyways, this is all about my random talk today! Thanks for reading!!

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Tokyo Centralから届いたよ。 (Package from Tokyo Central)

2019-05-10 16:15:26 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)

How's your day going today?

So, it's almost 10years that I live in MN, and one of the things that I miss the most about my home country is the food!

I've talked about this several times here before and I usually use 2 ways to get Japanese food in MN.

One is that I go to United Noodles, the biggest Asian grocery store in MN.

そして、もう1つはカリフォルニアにある日本食スーパー、Tokyo Centralのオンラインショップ。
And the other is that I online shop at Tokyo Central which is a Japanese grocery store in CA.

At United Noodles, I usually get fresh products like veggies since I can go to their retail store in person. Also, they have other oriental foods like Korean, Chinese or Indian, so I often try to buy some of those unfamiliar products at United Noodles too.

そして、Tokyo Centralでは、ユナイテッドヌードルよりも安いものや、ユナイテッドヌードルでは買えないものを購入しています。
On Tokyo Central online store, I usually buy things cheaper than United Noodles or ones not available at United Noodles.

ユナイテッドヌードルでは年に5-6回、Tokyo Centralでは年に2-3回買い物しているように思います。
I think that I do shopping 5-6times a year at United Noodles and a couple of times a year on Tokyo Central website.

で、先日マヨネーズが切れそうだったので、久しぶりにTokyo Centralでお買い物をしました。
Anyways, we were running out of Japanese mayo, so I ordered some stuff from Tokyo Central the other day.

Tokyo Central

Delivered by Fedex.

Tokyo Centralでは、$60以上買えば送料が半額、$120以上買えば送料が無料になるので、Hit-chanはいつも$120以上注文するようにしています。
Tokyo Central does 50% off on shipping for over $60 order and free shipping for over $120 order, so I always try to buy more than $120.

Here are what I got this time.

As you can see it in the pic, yeah, most of them are snack and candy. LOL

以前はユナイテッドヌードル日本のでお菓子を買っていたんですが、Tokyo Centralの方が何と言っても安いし、品揃えも圧倒的に多いので、それを知って以来お菓子はTokyo Centralで買っています。
I used to buy Japanese snack and candy at United Noodles, but since I found out that Tokyo Central actually sold same products for cheaper prices, I've been buying those things from Tokyo Central.

I got 3 bottles of Japanese mayo because it was the main purpose for this shopping!

うちはAndyっちがアメリカのマヨネーズより日本のマヨネーズが好きなので、結構消費量が多いのと、値段もユナイテッドヌードルの半額くらいの値段で買えるので、Tokyo Centralで多めに買うようにしています。
Andy's not huge fan of American mayo but loves Japanese mayo, so we consume more Japanese mayo than American mayo. Plus that, Tokyo Central sells the same brand for the half price of the price at United Noodles, so I usually buy a couple of bottles at once from them.

Oh, yeah, I also got Japanese plastic wraps too.

I still use American brand but to be honest, I think that Japanese brands are more functional and better quality.

This time, I got 2 packs of instant noodles which I've never tried before. They're a little bit more expensive than the ones I usually buy.

Though, United Noodles doesn't sell the brand, and I've heard of the name of brand before so wanted to try something different.

でね、Tokyo Centralの注文あるあるなんですが、注文をした商品の中に売り切れや消費期限が近かったりするものがあるとその分を抜いて送ってくるんですが、毎回何かしら無いものがあります。
This is a little tip for shopping with Tokyo Central. You usually don't get all the products you order since they don't ship you some products which are out of stock or close to the expiration date.

Of course, they won't charge those unavailable products.

So, I always order some extra things to make the total a little over $120 so that I still can get free shipping, but this time, my order tortal turned $108 after they adjusted the bill with some unavailable products. Though, they didn't charge any shipping fee. So, I learned that the shipping discount applies to the total of your original order which is really nice.

Anyways, my snack and candy life will be so joyable for a while from now.

For now, I don't have to fight with Andy over these Japanese snacks since he doesn't eat them at all, but I really look forward to competing to get them with May-chan when she's old enough.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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ベビークラスの後 (After baby class...)

2019-05-08 09:17:49 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

On the last article, I wrote that we attended a baby class for the first time.

I'm very shy, but they were very cosy and friendly enough to let me enjoy it a lot.

The class was 10:45-11:45am, so when we're done was lunch time.

May-chan was doing so well and calm, so Andy and I decided to grab a lunch on way home.

We stopped by Andy's regular bar near our house.

It was in the middle of lunch time and Friday of Easter week, so the place was super busy!

We usually sit at a table with May-chan, but there's no table available at the time.

So, Andy talked to his familiar bartender at the counter, and then he said,

"What about here?? It's way safer than the floor!!"

If he said so...,

We put May-chan on the bar counter. LOL

The place was pretty noisy, but May-chan didn't care about it at all.

Andy got this lobster sandwich and of course, beer. Yup, he had the privilege to drink early on the day!

I got this lunch special, the half sandwich and the lobster bisque. The amount of food was just perfect for my stomach. Of course, with a cup of hot coffee as usual.

Since May-chan started sleep training, she's briefly taken naps on certain timings and the day wasn't exceptional.

Yup, she was sleeping very peacefully on the bar counter. She might have taken "Bar Lover Blood" over from her dad. Haha.

Besides it's her nap time, the baby class itself was very stimulating, so she was sleeping very well. Thanks to that, we could enjoy our lunch at our own pace.

Let's go to more fun places together!!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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ベビークラス (Baby Class)

2019-05-07 11:44:55 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello there!

How's your day going?

So, May-chan and I started going to a baby class hosted by our school district from the 3rd week of April.

The class actually started from the 1st week of April, we needed to file May-chan's vaccination record with her doctor's signature to attend the first class.

Though, May-chan had her 4month check-up and vaccination shots onlu a couple of days before the first class, and we couldn't get the docment with the newest information ready by the time.

After that, we could get the docment and started attending it from the 2nd class.

The baby class is held on Fridays in April and May and the location is only 5mins away from our house which is very convenient. The fee was $40 for 7 classes.

Andy originally had a day off on the Friday so he could come along with us to the class.

There were lots of toys on the floor, and they're already washed and clean so that the babies could touch and lick as much as they liked.

There were only 3 other babies in this class, so it's really casual and cozy which was very helpful for me to feel comfortable because I'm so shy in general.

May-chan was a little bit fussy just in the beginning since it's so different from her usual life and kind of overwhelming. Though, she got used to it shortly and had fun with it.

We sang some songs and did finger plays together too.

I'm not familiar with English kids songs at all, but they had these lyrics sheets on the white board, so I could sing along with others without a problem.

The class is for babies up to 12 months old and their parents, and there were 3 other babies, 5months, 6months and 10months old, so May-chan was the yougest, 4months old, among them. May-chan and 5month boy were the 1st baby, and the other baby boy and girl were the 2nd and the 3rd child for their parents.

We sang some somgs and did finger plays together but casually chatted with other parents, the teacher and the assistant about random things mostly during the class. So, we, new parents, could listen to some helpful stories and tips from the other experienced parents too.

I think that this Friday baby class will be very intriguing and stimulating for May-chan through meeting many other people than Andy and me, especially the other babies of her age.

It'll be also a very nice and refreshing time for me to talk to other people besides Andy one a week.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!

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自家製ガーリックオイル (Homemade Garlic Oil)

2019-05-06 12:11:41 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)

How's your day going?

Mine is great as usual.

So, I'm going to share my cooking report today. I actually made garlic oil the other day.

Andy made it a couple of months ago, and I loved to use it for my cooking and finished the entire bottle recently.


Andy told me that it's super easy to make it, so I decided to do it on my own this time.

The ingredients are super simple. Garlic (Of course), extra virgin olive oil and salt.

I think that you can use any kind of oil which you like and saw that some recipes don't use salt and some adds herbs too. So, in other words, you can arrange it just as you like!

First off, you peel bunch of garlic skin. I used 2 cups of garlic this time.

So, I used this convenient kitchen tool which I've introduced here before.


Here's the article.

Here's the true feedback. The tool doesn't work as good as the first time I used it but still makes the procedure much quicker than peeling garlic skin one by one with your fingers. I cut the bottom part of each garlic clove off before I used the tool so that the skins could be peeled off more easily.

Oh yeah, you can buy already peeled ones at a store too!

I put the garlic cloves in the dish and pour extra virgin oil there enough to cover the garlic. I also added some salt and cooked it in the pre-heated 350F oven about for 45 mins.

The cooking time differs depending on the oven, so you might want to check it in 30 mins or so. When the garlic color turns to be golden brown, it's done!

I put it in a jar like this and keep it in the fridge. I think it's good fore more than 1 month.

I often use the garlic oil for fried rice or stir-fried veggies, but you can add some more salt and enjoy it as dipping sauce with bread too.

Okay, this is all about today's cooking article. Thanks for reading again!!!

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