Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

自分を疑うという事 (Why We Have Doubt In Our Potential)

2014-09-10 18:37:23 | Hit-chanが思う事(My Random Thoughts)

How are you doing today?

I'm having yesterday and today off and being lazy and peaceful.

I had a Skype chat with my mom for 2 hours yesterday.

During that, I talked to mom that I recently read some old articles of her blog and it made me see a part of me which had hidden for a while.

Especially when I just survived cancer about 5 years ago, I was so pure and bright like "I can do anything, yay!" as if Super Mario got a star.

At that time, I had a huge dream to come to the US and have a happy family, so it required me as much energy to accomplish it as a star Mario.

Through seeing myself in the past, the pure feeling which I hadn't had for a while came back to my heart, which made me remember that writing my blog itself gives me a lot of inspirations.

While I was chatting with my mom, I thought "I haven't written about the philosophies which makes who I am on my blog for a long time." So, I decided to write one here today.

First off, the definitions of all the things in the universe are made by each one of you, so I want to introduce mine which is also just one of infinite perspectives.

I basically believe "Everyone has infinite potential and can do anything."

You might have cheer somebody or yourself by saying "Believe in yourself."

Me, no matter how big the dream is, I always think "If you believe in your infinite potential, you can do it!" and take actions to make it true, but sometimes I get overwhelmed by some fear or worries.

Even though I try to think "I can do it, I can do it!", my heart hesitates to take the next step.

Through I had the experience over and over, I started to think "Why can't I stop having fear or worry? Does it mean that I still doubt in my potential? Then, how can I 100% believe in myself?"

One day, when I was reading a Bashar book, I ran into the page where he was taking about "The state when you 100% believe in yourself"

He explains when you 100% believe in yourself, it's just like you standing up.
(Of course, this example is supposed to be for someone who can sit and stand up without difficulty.)

In other words, if you're sitting at home now and want to get up to do something like "I'll go to the bathroom." or "I'll drink milk in the fridge," would you guys necessarily think about something?

Probably, you wouldn't think about anything special and would just get up and do whatever you want to do.

That is "The state you 100% believe in yourself".

When you get up to do chores or something, you usually wouldn't worry like "Can I stand up? Maybe, can't I?"

Yeah, because you believe in yourself 100%.

When I read that part in the book, I thought "Oh, that's the state when you completely believe in yourself! Then, it would be awesome if I can stay like that and accomplish dreams without any fear or dream!!!"

But at the next moment when I imagined what it would be like accomplishing anything without any fear or worry, I wondered, "Oh wait, is it really that awesome?"

What if you can stay in the "100% believing in yourself"state and go through the entire process to make your dreams come true? What if you can do anything as if you just get up to do some chores? Would you still be able to feel so excited when you see the dreams happening in front of your eyes? I assume that you wouldn't feel so excited as you can now.

Seriously, you don't get excited like when a handicapped person standing up from a wheel chair when you get up in the daily life.

So, by having a doubt in your potential, I assume that you can increase the amount of excitement and happiness when you go through the process or accomplish your dreams.

Before I got the perspective, I tried not to see fear or worry in me and defined them just a barrier to block my dream from happening. Though, since when I started thinking like "Oh, this worry is coming to maximize my excitement! That's why I wanted to doubt in myself anyways." and now, I think all the fears and worries as great spices to make my life much more delicious.

I personally live in every single moment to enjoy all the kinds of excitement I could feel in my life. So, after all, I think neither 100% believing in yourself nor 100% doubting in yourself, but the best combination of both creates more and stronger excitements in your life.

It sounds way far from being excited to be worried or scared, but if you think that they're for making your life more excited and happier, you can like them.

Anyways, if you get scared and hesitate to do what you really want to do sometime, you can push the fear away like "Go away!", but you can also say "Oh, come on great spices!" too. I hope you can choose either you like and make your life more exciting.

Okay, it's got so long, but this is a part in my brain. Thanks.

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