Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 ひとり帰国日記/出発の日 (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.1/ The Flight Day)

2024-04-03 19:57:29 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello there!




How's everthing going in your life?




As the title says, I was in Japan alone from Jan.23rd to Feb. 22nd. 




前回の体外受精シリーズ、The Fifth Stepを読んでいただいたら分かるのですが、クリスマス前にミネソタで初めての胚移植を行い、クリスマス直後にその判定が陰性だという事が分かりました。
In the last IVF series, The Fifth Step, I wrote that Andy and I did our 1st transfer in MN a week before Christmas and then found out that the result was negative 2 days after Christmas. 




Then, in a month from the result, I was in Japan, which means that Andy and I made up our minds and got ready for the plan in such a short time. 




Needless to say, we wanted to go to Japan with 3 of us together ideally, but all the matters of financial, work and school made us conclude that it's the best way that I traveled alone. 




The main purpose of this trip was IVF treatment, of course, which means that I needed to stay in Japan for a month, so while I was away, Andy had to manage everything, his full-time job, May-chan's drop-offs and pick-ups and all other house chores, on his own. 



Even though I had to go through another egg transfer in Japan, but it was only a couple of visits to the clinic, so other than that, all I needed to do was spending a great time with my family and friends. It was actually the first trip by myself in the last 10 years. 




It was also the first time for May-chan and me to stay away from each other for 1 month since May-chan was born, so I had no idea how we would feel in the first experience ever. 




I actually handmade this 1 month calendar so that May-chan could see how many more days left untill Mommy came home. 




Anyways, this is how we decided about the trip. Until the departure day, we were very busy getting things ready and reached the big day without feeling it real. 




On the depature day, my flight was at 10:40am, so we left our house around 7am so that we could arrive at the airport 3 hours before the flight. 
(As you can see this in the pic above, it's still dark outside around 7am in MN winter.)



I had already checked in the flgiht online the night before, so all I needed to do at the airprt was that I printed out luggage labels at a kiosk and dropped them off at the counter. 




As far as I remember, in the couple of previous trips to Japan, the airport secutity gates were very busy and we had to wait in a long queue, which took a lot of time. Compared to that, the waiting time on one gate this time said "Less than 10 mins" and the other gate said "Less than 5 mins", which was super nice. 




Phew...It's time to say goodbye. 



Maybe because she woke up earlier that morning or sensed something unusual, she was randomly saying, "May-chan will go home with you all." one time and "May-chan will get on the plane and go to Japan too!" the other time. She might be getting nervous being away from Mommy. 




The 2nd family picture! She finally showed her smile. 



Still, Andy told me later that she was upset and crying when I was going through the security gate and disappearing from her sight.




I luckily and quickly went through both the immigration and security gatesand then all I needed to do was waiting until the boarding time. 




If you're an active person unlike me, you would enjoy walking around the terminal and checking various shops there, but I was just sitting and playing with my laptop at the gate after I purchased a couple of things like a bottle of water and a cup of coffee. 



Yeah, this is how I started my first alone trip to Japan in the last decade. 




How would it turn out? 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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