極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

The sovereignty and human rights of the nation are violated in the world.

2021-10-31 23:28:20 | English diary

The sovereignty and human rights of the nation are violated in the world.

Is mRNA vaccination as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus the right choice? If you read medical materials around the world, there are many deaths and aftereffects of mRNA vaccine in the world.

At this rate, it will have stupid consequences in human history.

In the world, people cannot live without a vaccination certificate, and unvaccinated people may become enemies of humankind. I don't think good world citizens are looking for such a world.

Thorough management of world citizens, I think a really dark future is approaching.

First of all, I think it is important to know the new coronavirus and mRNA vaccine.

I think we were born by the Creator.

I think our precious body is protected by an amazing immune system. There is a big question whether the mRNA vaccine really destroys our important immune system.

I'm not a medical specialist, but there are many aspects of the mRNA vaccine that I just can't understand.

Today, the world has become a world where it is unacceptable to question the new coronavirus and mRNA vaccine, and various opinions are being censored, which seems to imply a dark future.

The future of the world should not be such a world.

It seems that we need to know the mRNA vaccine in order to create a world where we can have dreams.

The prophecies of the United States, Digital, which predicts the world population in 2025, seem to be becoming more realistic.

Let's do our best not to destroy this wonderful world.

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