極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

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I think North Korea problem

2018-04-16 21:31:43 | English diary

Today 's trend in North Korea, now Japan is hard against North Korea. Why is it tough?
It seems that North Korea is also wondering as to why North Korea came to possess nuclear weapons.
North Korea does not seem to intend to invade other countries. There is no benefit for North Korea even if it invades.
We Japanese never get real North Korean intention from the media. Many media are global lists. North Korea is a nationalism, and the current situation seems to be a battle of nationalism versus internationalism.

For those who need conflict, the Korean Peninsula is a very attractive peninsula in the world.
It is impossible for South Korea and North Korea to discuss with each other alone.
Why can not we discuss in both countries ...

In recent years, there is a Syrian problem, but poison gas problem, you do not know the truth.
The thing you can say is that there are no doubt that there are people who like conflict in the Syrian problem as well.
North Korea and Syria ... I think both countries are fighting internationalism.

It is no wonder that the world is big war now. Of course, there seems to be no doubt that there are people who like fighting.
What is the basis of these ... No, it is not a Talmud.
Right now, we should know these essences.

Some Japanese people have big questions, such as past Iraq, Syria, Libya issue etc.
It is also true that there are many people who think that the extension of this problem is a North Korean problem.

I think the problem on the Korean Peninsula should be settled by both the parties, South Korea and North Korea, and it is necessary to watch the developed countries toward unification.


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