極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

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Iran's hypersonic missile attack on Israel achieves its objective

2024-04-15 07:09:03 | English diary

イランが発射した極超音速ミサイルはアイアン・ドームで迎撃不可能 - Sputnik 日本, 1920, 14.04.2024

Introducing the latest video. Israeli military base destroyed, Iranian hypersonic missile easily passes through Israel's Iron Dome defense system and hits target. Hypersonic missiles aside, conventional missile defense seems difficult. (It seems that the video of the bullet landing is not available on YouTube.) If Israel were to defend only with old-fashioned Patriots from the S-300, 400, etc., instead of the Iron Dome defense system, the hit rate would be poor, resulting in a catastrophe and worst case scenario


If Israel (the United States) further retaliates against Iran, I believe that not only the Middle East but the world will be in a difficult situation. Japan will be the first to suffer, because Japan supports Britain and the United States, and the Strait of Hormuz is an important sea route for tankers, through which most of Japan's crude oil passes. Iran controls the Strait of Hormuz, and unlike before, it is impossible to stop it with British and American military force.


   There was a video of the hypersonic missile landing on YouTube, but it has been deleted. Unfortunately, I think it's difficult to get correct information on YouTube. The latest Iranian attack is said to be an attack recognized by international law, targeting an Israel F-35 base that also attacked a iran embassy mission, and the attack was designed to avoid human casualties through advance notice, etc., and no one was killed. . Iran has announced an end to the attack, and all countries should make efforts to prevent it from escalating.



This is the Japanese opinion on the G7 statement regarding this Iranian attack.

The Japanese government's announcement and the people's thoughts are very different.


It would be clearly unfair for the G7 to put pressure only on Iran, which has been threatened by Israel for many years with the threat of a nuclear attack, and has responded with a demonstration-level counterattack. It's time for America to stop coddling Israel.


I think it would be wrong to leave Israel alone, which continues to massacre civilians, and sanction only Iran.

Ideally, if I were to judge someone, it would be fair, but I know that's impossible. However, if we do not at least discuss sanctions on Israel and put pressure on them, we will send the wrong message: ``Israel will not impose sanctions no matter what.However, if Iran does something, we will impose sanctions, so don't worry.''It will send the wrong message.


I think it would be better for Japan to draw the line at the G7 sanctions that were recently proposed. Japan has had a close relationship with Iran for many years, and as Japan relies 100% on imports for its oil procurement, there is a need for closer ties going forward. Additionally, the Japanese government has issued a statement condemning Iran's retaliation. Isn't this enough? Closer relations with Arab countries are truly in Japan's national interest. The situation is different from other G7 countries.


Has Japan imposed sanctions on Israel for committing genocide-like acts against the people of Gaza? Iran's latest action is in response to Israel's violation of international law. Japan has good relations with Iran, so it should not join the G7 in imposing sanctions.


No matter how you look at it, it's insane to fully support Israel.

All I can say is that it is crazy to impose sanctions on oil producing countries.

There is a big difference in industrial competitiveness between the G7 countries, which are suffering from inflation and rising oil prices, and China, which can buy oil from Russia and Iran at friend prices.


Originally it was an Israeli assassination squad. If Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps is a terrorist organization, so should Israel's Mossad. From Iran's perspective, it will have no choice but to retaliate. They even gave advance notice, and I don't think there is any benefit in isolating Iran any further.

In the first place, if Trump had adopted a more moderate policy instead of unilaterally abandoning the Iran nuclear deal, imposing economic sanctions, and killing commanders in Iraq, the Middle East would have been more peaceful today.


This is a rare example where Japan's follow-up to the US is clearly in the wrong direction.

Evangelical Christians and the Jewish community in the United States are strongly pushing the White House in support of Israel, and as a result, only Iran's air attacks are to be blamed, without accountability for the IDF's genocide in Gaza. It's becoming.

In the world, there is no single definition of "justice," but at the G7, "injustice" clearly takes center stage.


If sanctions are to be imposed on Iran, I think it would be unfair to not also impose sanctions on Israel, which violated the treaty and attacked its embassy, which is considered inviolable.

By imposing sanctions on both parties, it would also be a statement that the G7 does not take sides and firmly opposes the use of force by both parties.

It would be best to just suspend arms exports to Israel and tighten economic sanctions against Iran as usual.


If sanctions are to be imposed on Iran, I think the same will apply to Israel.

It seems that the only countries that support Israel are the Western bloc, centered on the G7, and not many other countries.

The establishment of Israel is the same as Russia, which is currently invading Ukraine, and there is not much difference between the United States and Russia.


The G7 leaders expressed their "full solidarity and support" for Israel, and Prime Minister Kishida said, "We are deeply concerned about the attack and strongly condemn the escalation." Japan has long had friendly relations with Iran, and it would be undesirable for Western countries to lean too much toward Israel. I want Japan to maintain its unique stance. In Japan, there are many more problems, such as slush funds and childcare support, which is akin to a ``tax increase.'' Cooperation with overseas aid is important, but first I would like Japan to work on solving various domestic problems.

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