極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

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Many Japan want the United States to be reborn.

2023-05-18 17:12:22 | English diary

Many Japan want the United States to be reborn.

Although I am Japanese, I have worked in the United States so far and have met many Americans from California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, and so on. The people I met were unknown citizens, but they were all wonderful people, and I still cannot forget those days. These people have a lot to learn from me, and I will never forget them for the rest of my life.

Now, I think that our world is on the brink of destruction due to an unreasonable problem called the Ukraine problem. I believe that the United States, which is normally a democratic nation, should exercise leadership and discuss with Russia to resolve this issue, but it has become apparent that the United States cannot be called a democratic nation after 9/11, and it is very difficult. I have no intention of supporting the United States in today's Democratic administration.

The United States used to be the American dream itself when viewed from the world.

I think we have become a shady country now.

Not only many Americans, but also the world believed in the recovery of the United States, but I think that the United States has sealed the world's conscience over the Ukraine issue.

The world is already aiming for a world without the United States. Russia, China, etc. have become big countries and are about to launch a new world. I want the democratic US administration to regain democracy as soon as possible.

You can see that Russian President Putin is aiming for world peace and friendship, but the United States does not react. I think he is aiming for the wrong world, contrary to the will of the American people. The world that the United States aspires to is different from the democracy we seek.

The United States has clearly shown the world the direction it is aiming for in the new coronavirus and the Ukraine problem, but many of the world will not follow.

In the United States before 9/11, many countries would have cooperated. The rest of the world is now moving away from the United States.


I think the Democratic U.S. administration understands this the most.

The new America will be decided by Trump's inauguration. I'm running out of time.

World War III, nuclear war...the United States itself is about to start it. I hope that many Americans will once again strive to create a new America.

Russia, China, Iran, Syria, etc. are not really enemies. The world has learned this fact from the Ukraine issue.

I believe that the United States will also benefit itself by calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine as soon as possible. Russia, China, Iran, etc. are not enemies of the United States. I think many Americans think the same.

The history of the world should not be made by a few, but by many.



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