

突然ですが ”Christmas Carol”

2020-07-08 11:14:46 | 趣味

先日の宿題"Presentatin about a fictiomnal character who inspires you.に先生から”Greart presentation!"とお褒めの言葉を頂いたのでここにアップしてみたい。                                              I would like to talk about " Scrooge" from Chistmas Carol". It was writen by Charies Dickens. Have you ever read Chritmas Carol? It's not really in the season now.   I think that it is a   good book for not only kids but also adults. Scrooge  is an ageing miser who dislikes    Christmas. Ghosts visited his home at night and he had three paranormal experiences.  He travels through his past, present and future. Scrooge wakes up on Christmas morning    as a different man.  He makes a large donation to the charity. Scrooge treats with kindness, generosity and compassion, embodying the sprits of Christmas.                                        Does money buy happiness? Happinese depends on satisfaction of desire. So, it's not good to be greedy and we don't need so much money. I have learned a lesson from Scrooge in Christmas Calol . What do you think?                                                                            映画やアニメになっているが有名なイラストレーター、アーサー・ラッカㇺの児童 書(新書館版)クラシカルで英国らしくて素敵です。私の技量(中学英語)でどのようにまとめるか、いつも悩むところです。スクルージがゴーストの夢を見て目覚めたクリスマスの朝、私は”changed his mind"と書いたら孫娘は”as a different man"がいいと言う。まあ何とドラマチィック…と感心した。さすがTOEIC960ポイントの大学生。







