極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

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2017-10-08 16:20:59 | 日記



原文は、JW Web Magazine.Insaid japan Our top 10 places to see autumn leaves in Japan
(Posted on September 8, 2015 by Violet Cloutman)
米国人Violet Clouttmanさんのプログです。誤訳等が多々あると思いますので、最後に原文を載せています。

バイオレットさんは、子供のころ学校で日本語のレッスンを受け、遊びではポケモン カード、松濤館での空手の練習、努力の結果ついに師範(段位・黒帯等を取得し、さらに指導者としての称号を受けるための審査・試験等をパスしなければなりません。)になってしまいました。

空き時間は任天堂 64等で遊ぶ・・・日本文化の大の愛好家です。





9 月中旬 〜 11月上旬まで、日本の落葉樹は、色、絵山、公園、赤、ブラウン、オレンジ、金色と黄色の鮮やかなパレットを持つフォレストとなります。公園や田舎等では、春には花見 (花見)のため集まり、飲み騒ぐこともあります。



ベスト1 京都 東福寺

ベスト2 北海道国立公園

ベスト3. 八幡平

ベスト4 東京
旅程の出発点でもある東京、東北、北海道等の訪問者に最適の位置の東京、ほとんどすべての日本の旅程の出発点でもあります。都内の公園とその周辺の地域の素晴らしい紅葉は自慢の一つです。黄色の銀杏並木、有名な銀杏並木道 (銀杏並木)だけでなく、六義公園、小石川後楽園、身近にさまざまな秋の色を鑑賞できるベストな場所でもあります。
東京から少し離れた位置にある高尾山も人気のスポットです。一般には東京での見ごろは11月下旬から12 月上旬です。

ベスト5 十和田・奥入瀬渓流、

ベスト6 日光

ベスト7 富士五湖

ベスト8 立山、黒部
アルペン ルートは、日本の紅葉を鑑賞するより斬新な方法の電車利用、ケーブルカー、バス、ロープウェイの組み合わせで大町町と富山市を結びます。立山黒部アルペンルートの山岳風景を通ることです。このルートに沿って異なる標高の異なる色の広い配列が表示されますので、標高の高い場所が大好きです。9月下旬から 11月上旬の間がお勧めです。

ベスト9 兼六園、

ベスト10 尾瀬



Japan is extremely proud of its seasons (seriously, you’d think nowhere else in the world had them), and for good reason. There are few places on earth where the differences between each passing season are so pronounced, and possibly no other place where they play such a vital role in a nation’s culture – from festivals to cuisine. There is no “best” time to visit Japan. There are numerous reasons to travel in any of the four seasons, but there’s no denying that the spring cherry blossom is the most popular by far. Autumn, meanwhile, is the second-most popular – thanks to a large extent to its stunning autumn leaves. From mid-September until the beginning of November, Japan’s deciduous trees begin to change colour, painting mountains, parks and forests with a vibrant palette of reds, brown, oranges, golds and yellows. Just as in spring the parks and countryside are packed with revellers gathering for hanami (blossom-viewing) parties, during these months the Japanese flock to their favourite autumn spots to appreciate the colourful leaves
– called koyo or momiji (two readings of the same characters:). Like the cherry blossom front, the koyo front sweeps along the length of the country over the course of a few weeks – but in reverse, beginning in northern Hokkaido and travelling southwards, lighting up the mountainsides first before descending into valleys and city parks. Unlike the cherry blossom, autumn leaves aren’t found everywhere (they prefer cooler northern climes and high altitudes), and they tend to stick around for a little longer – making them rather more reliable than their pink counterparts. Every Japanese person will have their own favourite leaf-peeping spot, but for those who haven’t had a lifetime to decide, we’ve put together a list of our top 10 favourite places to see the turning leaves

Top of our list (and probably top of most people’s lists) is Kyoto: a city steeped in culture and history. It’s not for nothing that Kyoto is known as the “City of Ten Thousand Temples”, and it is at these temples, shrines, and gardens that you’ll see some of Japan’s finest koyo. The colours begin to come out in around mid-November, and can last until early December. Evening is often the best time to visit, as the trees are lit up to their best advantage. Some of the best places temples at which to see the leaves are Tofuku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera, Yoshimine-dera, and Eikando. We also highly recommend heading out into the Arashiyama district on the outskirts of Kyoto, where the forested mountains are particularly impressive

Japan’s northernmost island is rarely visited by tourists, yet boasts some of the best conditions for koyo. Home to huge tracts of wilderness, mountains, volcanoes, plains, lakes
and hot springs – this is a stunning place to witness autumn leaves. Our favourite spots include the Daisetsuzan National Park – the first place in Japan to see autumn colours in mid-September – and the rugged Shiretoko Peninsula. Depending on where you go in Hokkaido, you can find
autumn leaves from mid-September until late October

In Tohoku, the little-visited northern region of Japan’s mainland, lies one of the very best koyo spots in all of Japan. It’s a little out of the way for those on just a short trip, but if you want to get off the beaten track, these mountains in the north of Akita and Iwate Prefectures are resplendent throughout October.

Within the region you’ll also find some fantastic onsen towns and great hiking trails – perfect for those looking for a more traditional, rural experience of Japan

More accessible to most visitors than Tohoku or Hokkaido by far is Tokyo – the starting point of almost every Japan itinerary. Though not as vast and spectacular as the national parks of the north, it’s certainly more convenient, and boasts some really excellent autumn colours in its parks and the surrounding areas. As well as the famous Gingko Avenue (Icho Namiki), lined with yellow-coloured gingko trees, Rikugien Park and Koishikawa Korakuen Park are excellent places to admire a variety of autumn colours. A little way out of Tokyo, Mount Takao is also a popular spot – the leaves here turn slightly earlier than in the city, so if you’re visiting in mid-November this is your best shout for koyo. In general, the best time to see the leaves in Tokyo is from late November into early December

Heading up north again, the next spot on our list Tohoku’s beautiful Lake Towada region, not far from the Hachimantai Mountains mentioned above. Together with nearby Oirase Stream, this is one of Japan’s most famous koyo spots, displaying magnificent colours from late October until early November

One of our favourite destinations full stop, Nikko is just a couple of hours’ train ride from Tokyo and easily accessible for those on shorter visits to Japan. Home to the a stunningly elaborate temple complex and the final resting place of one of Japan’s most important shoguns, Nikko lies in a beautiful national park and is particularly attractive from early October until mid-November. After you’ve explored the area’s cultural offerings, be sure to make time to head out into the surrounding forests – especially surrounding Lake Chuzenji and the hot spring town of Yumoto Onsen, where the leaves are at their most beautiful

Another destination within easy reach of the capital is Fuji Five Lakes, which boasts spectacular views of Mount Fuji from the shores of Lake Kawaguchiko in particular. Though there is perhaps more to keep you occupied in Hakone, the autumn leaves at Fuji Five Lakes are definitely more impressive. Visit from late October until mid-November to catch the best of the koyo

One of the more novel ways to appreciate Japan’s autumn colours is by travelling through the alpine scenery of the Tateyama Kurobe Alpen Route, which links Toyama City with Omachi Town via a combination of trains, cablecars, buses and ropeways. Autumn colours love high altitudes, so along this route you’ll see a wide array of different colours at different elevations. Visit any time between late September and early November and you’ll be sure to see some spectacular koyo at some point along the route!

As one of the newest locations to be served by the new Hokuriku bullet train line, Kanazawa is now easier to visit than ever – and one of our personal top destinations in Japan. Known as Little Kyoto for its impressive collection of temples, shrines and gardens, Kanazawa has lots of great places to see the autumn leaves – but the best is arguably Kenrokuen Garden, acknowledged to be one of the top three landscape gardens in Japan

Last, but not least, Oze offers autumn colours with a twist. A national park located about 100 km north of Tokyo, this is the best place in Japan to see kusamomiji – or “autumn grass”. The plains and marshland here are covered with a special type of grass that turns a beautiful colour between late September and mid-October, forming a sea of red surrounded by mountains and greenery


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