極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

President trump trying to regain the original America

2017-06-01 16:33:46 | English diary

When we say the United States, we Japanese are strong leaders of the world and I thought that many people living a rich life.

From the Japanese after the defeat, America was a dreamlike world.

However, I think that the United States has changed completely since decades ago.

Under the name of globalization, it seems to be top priority to unify the world by globalization rather than the interests of good Americans.

As a result, many disparate societies were created in American society.


I think that American society really seen from the Japanese people was not such a society.

It was a reliable presence that leads the world and has the most military power in the world.

I think America is a disparate society and American citizens really suffer.

Japan is still taking policy before the Trump regime, resulting in a disparate society that is equal to the United States.

Now Prime Minister Abe is working on correcting the disparity society in Japan, but the media surrounding Japan is trying to bring Prime Minister Abe down from the administration.


President Trump and Prime Minister Abe are likely to think closer. Both of us are under severe criticism from the media.

A lot of Japanese do not notice this · ·

I think that American citizens have noticed the identity of globalization.

Courage and pioneer spirit live for good American citizens.

Because I chose President Trump.


I think the Japan-US alliance is extremely important. I think it is necessary to keep hand in hand.

I believe President Trump and Prime Minister Abe will correct any disparity society even a little.

The future of the world may change President Trump and Prime Minister Abe.

Good Americans, Japanese think that it is important not to believe the media too much. I think that the attitude that I examine and judge myself is important.


President Trump, you can see that the real enemy of Prime Minister Abe is the media. Media is a global list group.

Japanese and American citizens need to be prepared to fight the media together.

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