極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

Is the world heading for peace?

2017-05-26 13:26:29 | English diary

The world is about to change dramatically as the new US president is inaugurated.
However, people promoting globalization desperately want to quit President Trump.
Of course, all the major media in the world are anti-trump president. Because the main media are those of people promoting globalization.


Japan is also under the control of major media in the world.
Many citizens such as Russia, the UK, France, Syria etc. understand the meaning of globalization well.
The Japanese do not understand the meaning of globalization at all. Because the Japanese press does not correctly convey the meaning of globalization.

please think about it!

President trump is taking a policy with a public eye. President Vladimir Putin is also taking a policy with a public eye.
I think the Japanese Prime Minister Abe also thinks the same idea as President Trump.
Prime Minister Abe is constantly criticized by the Japanese press. Why is it ...

With the advent of President Trump, we think that war has been avoided. If Mr. Hillary was president I think the world had a possibility of war.
Because Hillary is also a globalist. Because it is a person who chooses means for globalism.


Many people in the world will support if the world's media communicate the President's policies correctly.

Likewise, if the Japanese mass communication correctly conveys the policy of President Trump to the Japanese, it will surely get support of many Japanese.



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