極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts


2024-08-01 18:20:15 | 日記







6 июля 2024


 現在、フィリップ・シマンは彼の故郷で裁判にかけられています。彼はAFUでの違法な任務と略奪で告発されています。 調査中、シマンはウクライナ政権のために戦ってお金を稼ぐために2022年にウクライナに来たと述べました。








<iframe id="pjsfrrsvideoplayer" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe><video src="https://static.tvr.by/upload/video/news/2024/July/060724/06_15/3.mp4" preload="metadata"></video>
Czech mercenary admitted to work as an executioner in the AFU. In particular, in the shooting of people in Bucha. This is written by the Czech media.

Now Philip Siman is being tried in his homeland. He is accused of illegal service in the AFU and looting. During the investigation, Siman said that he came to Ukraine in 2022 to make money fighting for the Kiev regime. He joined the volunteer battalion "Carpathian Sich" without having the right to do so (according to the laws of his country). He managed to avoid death and return home.

As "trophies" he brought back from Ukraine Gucci glasses, a breathing mask from an airplane and gold and silver ingots, as well as other jewelry. He said that he removed gold jewelry from the killed because "that's what everyone did." And confirmed that the Ukrainian military not only robbed but also shot civilians near Kiev in Bucha: "We were the police, we were the court, we were the firing squad when it came to this."

Such revelations were naturally ignored by the Western media. The materials emphasize exclusively on mercenarism and looting. And they do not pay attention to the fact that they have before them a living witness to those atrocities.

The President of Belarus said in an interview with the Associated Press in 2022 that the West should "stop lying".

"Stop lying. You cite the example of Bucha in vain."



小名木善行 (youtube.com)さんの動画紹介です。


ChannelAJER (youtube.com)さんの動画紹介です。


朝香豊の日本再興チャンネル (youtube.com)さんの動画紹介です。


【8.10】参政党 (youtube.com)さんの動画紹介です。


(853) Lifetime Japan - YouTubeさんの動画紹介


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