極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

The major media in Japan are anti-trump presidential reports every day.

2017-02-27 14:45:54 | English diary

Japanese major media that are good at manipulating information

Many sensible Japanese are pleased that the new President Trump have appeared in the United States.

Because it is a citizen's perspective, aiming at real democracy, not aiming for globalization.


NHK, Yomiuri, Asahi etc, the major media in Japan, are completely anti-trump president and only have negative coverage everyday.
However, many sensible people in Japan do not believe in these reports.

Speaking of famous anti-trump president in Japan, is Mr. D**** S******.
He is promoting the anti-trump president in many Japanese media.
A major Japanese media can not deny him absolutely. The reason can not be said here ...

Just like in the United States, the middle class has become extremely poor.
The collapse of the middle class of the United States is also a fact of Japan.

I think that many measures of President Trump will spread to Japan several years later.
Because Japan is also a developed country that is greatly affected by the United States. On the contrary, it seems that there is little influence from Japan on the United States.
I think President Trump disparity correction strategy will also give a lot of low, intermediate people Japanese happiness.


Until now, many developed countries have promoted globalization, including Japan, but I think that many people are problem
What is really a plan to make the country happy ...
First of all, I think that my own people will be happy, no doubt.

I think that the measures of President Cardinal will change the world greatly in a good direction.

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