¡Si, Yo Hablo Japónes!


Braised Eggplant

2008-08-14 00:26:35 | Weblog
Braising Eggplant this way brings out its rich flavor and a nice Side dish.

Wagaya de shuukaku shimashita Onasu wo Agebitashi ni shimashita.

Eggplant has a great capacity for absorbing oil, but if the slices are salted to drain them of excess water, them dried and fried in oil, they will absorb less.

Onasu ha Abura to ai shou ga yoku kokkuri to oishii desu, arakajime Onasu ni oshio wo furimashite mizuke wo kawakashimashite kara oryouri shimasu to tashou ha Abura no yu-shuu wo herasukoto ga dekimasu.

Grilled Salmon Sake no Aburiyaki
Braised Eggplant Onasu no Agebitashi
Sauteed Cerely Serori no Kinpira
Miso Soup with Tofu, Shiitake Mushroom and Green Onion Otoufu ni Shiitake to Onegi no Omiotsuke
And Steamed Rice Gohan

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