極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

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Prudent US North Korea response

2017-08-28 21:23:21 | English diary

The trump regime who is doing his best against the North Korean problem and the seventh fleet

There is a big North Korea problem in Japan. The abduction issue and the missile problem.

If Mrs. Hillary had become President of the United States, the Korean Peninsula would have reached a different situation from the present. The worst, there is a great possibility that the war has occurred.

From a Japanese perspective, I think that the United States appeared President Trump and turned into a new US.
As one of the Japanese, I think that President Cardamom correspondence of North Korea can be highly evaluated.
I especially thank President Trump for his desire to Japan and the success of the 7th Fleet.
Many Japanese do not feel like media reports.

Many Japanese people rely on President Trump, even if there is any media blemishMany Japanese also expect new measures for North Korea in the United States.


With the advent of President Trump, the world is about to change a lot. I am expecting very much as a Japanese.
Please make the world peace as much as possible. I believe that President Trump can do it.

In Japan and the United States, I think that the bond of the alliance has grown even more with the advent of President Trump.
What makes you happy as a Japanese is to treat Japan equally, unlike the US President so far. I think many Japanese people have this feeling.
Prime Minister Abe has an idea close to President Trump.
That is to implement policies on a national level.

From now on, it is all Japanese wishes that President Trump has the power to solve the abduction issue of Japan.
The abduction issue will be difficult without the power of the United States. This is also a wish of all Japanese people.

We Japanese people believe in friendship between Japan and the United States.

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