半世紀前(50年)前の 希少なランドクルーザー FJ 45 V。不動車でありあちこちに錆が見られるが、まだ充分に復活の可能性を秘めている一台である。錆の表情から見るに、おそらくコロラド州あたりではないだろうかと思っている。
The toyota needs full restoration but is pretty solid for aproject. Front floorpans has rust in front of and behind the seat. Rear cargo area floor in nice shape. Rear fender extentions (area behind rear wheel low) both have rust. Rust in corners some too. The tailgate looks to be rust free but has bondo from being dented at some point. It does open/close fine but sticky from not being used for almost 30 years. Rear window frame, roof,drip rails are rust free. Doors are rust free. Rear quarters in good shape besides the rust mentioned. Front clip, firewall, header, and frame are rust free. Overall, a very solid body for restoration but does need the floor and rear quarter work. All doors close but a couple don't latch because latches need lubing. Will be tied shut for shipping unless I get time to fix them first. The landcruiser is mostly original but original seats are gone and original wheels. Seats out of an fj40 are most likely the same and easy to find.