極東アジアの真実 Truth in Far East Asia

I am grateful that I can freely write my daily thoughts

Diary, Korean Peninsula and Japanese

2018-06-17 17:16:19 | English diary


I feel that peaceful footsteps can be heard even on the conflicting Korean Peninsula. The Korean Peninsula, where the same ethnic groups were divided, Korea who is also a party to the Korean War etc can not participate in Armistice talks I think that Japanese people can not understand the feelings that have tasted sadness and humiliation. Which is the Korean Peninsula, the reality in which the speculation of other powers is also attached to the inter-Korean talks ...

Since January 2017, with the appearances of President Trump, changes in the Middle East, Asia, the Korean Peninsula, etc. were expected by many people.
Responding to the North Korea of the United States to date, countermeasures against the backdrop of a mighty possession military force, Trump regime who avoided useless fighting, Sun Tzu's weapon itself. It is said that it was because of the support of many patriotic military and soldiers who are said to be able to carry out these measures. These facts are hardly covered by media, scholars, commentators, etc.

We, Japanese people seem to have many aspects taught that the army is like evil and like to fight, but it is around Japan that the developed countries look down on the army. It may be a silly part of Japanese after the war. It seems to be a fact that soldiers do not like unfair battles historically if they read amateurs or literature.

A conflict in the Korean Peninsula could be inevitable with both hardcore global listists, those who promoted NWW (New World Order) promoter / Hillary who was president and those who prefer confrontation on the Korean Peninsula.
President Trump had a remark on North Korea during the presidential election period and had the desire to do a top talk where you can speak really if you want to deal with North Korea in order to break the current situation.
Now, that hope has come true. I definitely got talks with Mr. Kim Jong-Ie about the real intention, I think that the establishment of a hot line, etc., the faithful trust was fostered. I think that the Korean Peninsula is about to enter a new era now. I think that everyday sports, entertainment, Abe bashing everyday in Japan and Far East Asia are changing dramatically.

Mr. Kim Jong-hee is said to have studied in Switzerland at the age of 12 years (from September 1996 to August 2000), and in one theory he received Swiss support from the world's finance King at that time. It is said that they learned military, social systems etc. of Europe, the United States etc etc, especially about nuclear! It seems that the Japanese founder of Toyota adopted a form like looking after a son of Rockefeller for several years in Japan.
North Korea information that we can know may only be authorized by the media (legitimate, authorized, authoritative).

For the historic North Korea top talks, anti-trump camps in the United States, the media and others are critically disliked, we do not evaluate. Of course, people who are anti-carders such as media of Japan also criticize this meeting and seem to have many people who dislikes them. I wonder if these anti - players are peaceful of the Korean Peninsula. It would be true that we would like to be a Korean Peninsula with valuable media coverage, useful content for ourselves.

In the US-North Korea joint statement, we are striving to make the Korean Peninsula denuclearized, to build a sustainable and stable peace regime. It seems necessary to think about the weight of words called effort.
Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is ideal, but President Trump will think that it is impossible to realize what he / she wants to dream like realization of denuclearization. Naturally, North Korea would probably abandon North Korea if the US destroys the nuclear.
Naturally, President Trump will take good measures if America's security is guaranteed, it is exactly the war veteran of Sun Tzu itself. On the other hand, from North Korea, Naturally, we will take the warriors of Sun Tzu, both of which may be wise men wishing for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Japan will be North Korea's plan, keeping in mind the abduction victims in the future. I think that there are many things that President Trump and Abe have in common.
Japan-North Korea diplomatic is impossible only by the Japan-North Korea agreement, what Japan is required to become a strong country, a dignified country in order for Japan to judge on its own and to stand the will of Japan as an independent country, I think that you need a step. What is that first step ... the answer is obvious.
We think that it is necessary that we should not be swayed by the world, Japanese media, scholars, commentators etc. What is the essence of the denuclearization and abduction issue of the Korean Peninsula ...

As usual funny Japanese media, scholars, commentators etc are sports, entertainment, Prime Minister Abe bashing, now the Korean Peninsula is trying to make a drastic change rapidly. In these drastic changes, Japanese media also seems to be trying to keep us interested in politics, as in the case of Mrs. Makiko Tanaka of the past ...

Mrs. Makiko Tanaka, a former foreign minister, was very popular among tea ceremonies, and it was very popular among housewives who are not interested in politics everyday.
One person is concerned from people who govern people who are indifferent to politics, how to secure media, and secure a lot.
Mrs. Makiko Tanaka, the former Foreign Minister, disappeared from the tea room irrationally. A thorough bashing to Mrs. Makiko Tanaka, former foreign minister by media, scholars, and commentators, will be amazed.

Prime Minister Abe who is well acquainted with the essence of the abduction, such as denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, the transition from the truce state to the end of the war, etc., is my hope that Japan will continue to do its best for the national interests and national interests.
All changes seem to be able to understand President Trump 's essence in inaugural Address of President Trump. I am moved by a wonderful inaugural speech sentence. Why are you trying to bring down such a president nowadays ... the countermeasures against North Korea are also obscured, we encourage you to read it all by all means. You can easily find English sentences and Japanese sentences online.
The Korean Peninsula is an area familiar to us and I think that having interest is important. I do not drink the words of media, scholars, commentators, and I think that studying even a little even by themselves will also establish our own self.


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2018-06-17 16:26:19 | 戦後




表に出ることはありませんでしたが親日でもあった元・朴槿恵(パク・ クネ)大統領・・・父親の元・朴 正煕(ぼく せいき)大統領も親日でした。父は韓国の本当の独立国家を目指しましたが殺害されました。




























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