
Who never feels lonely at all under this endless sky...?

東京春祭《仮面舞踏会》 @東京文化会館(3月30日)

2023-03-31 17:21:48 | クラシック音楽






ここってそれまでの感動的なしっとり展開からいきなり「notte d'orror!」のff合唱で終わるのが唐突に感じられてしまう部分だけれど(実際youtubeで予習したときはそう感じた)、ムーティの音作りだと火サスみたいな野暮ったさが皆無で、スッキリとした音なのに(だからこそ?)説得力抜群。ムーティがこの作品を「客観的な作品」と言っていた理由が良い意味でわかった気がする。


個々の奏者では、ティンパニ(清水 太さん@東響)とイングリッシュホルン(﨑本 絵里菜さん)とチェロ(中木 健二人さん)がとてもよかったなあ。特に三幕のアメーリアのアリアのチェロ、まるで人の声のようにしか聴こえなくて、なのにちゃんと品もあり、聴き惚れました。他にも、運命の判決を意味するトランペットも緊張感のあるいい音だったし、軽やかで清澄なハープも美しかった。







今年も圧倒的な体験(まさに”体験”!)をさせてくれたムーティのイタリア・オペラ・アカデミーin Tokyo。

トム(バス・バリトン):畠山 茂





Muti’s legacy: respect composers, reject revisionists (AP, June 25, 2022)

He used the unpublished critical edition from the complete works of Verdi, a joint project of the University of Chicago Press and Casa Ricordi started in the 1970s and still decades from completion. General editor Francesco Izzo traveled from Britain to be in the audience,

Muti insists reading the score is not enough. One must understand the motivation and purpose of each note and jettison additions to scores resulting from traditional habits.


Muti did not alter the libretto in which a white Judge sings a racist insult toward Ulrica, a Black fortune teller accused of witchcraft: “dell’immondo sangue de’ negri (she has Black blood).” Muti says Verdi meant the line to highlight the Judge’s intolerance.

“In many theaters in this country and abroad, for the story of politically correct they change the phrase,” he told the orchestra. “We should not change so that the next generations must know the abomination that has been done for centuries. If you don’t change, you don’t solve the problem.”


“We cannot change the history, because if we want to change the history, we should change everything, starting from the Greeks, from the Phoenicians, from the Romans,” he said. “We have to keep the horrible things of the past, to tell the young people that it was wrong.”

Riccardo Muti interview: life, death, and the lack of seriousness (Gramilano, August 2021)

I regret the lack of seriousness today, the spirit with which Frederick II had the motto carved on the Capua town gate: Intrent securi qui quaerunt vivere puri (Let those who intend to live honestly enter safely) – this is the immigration and integration policy that is needed.

I don't even recognise my own profession. Conducting has often become a profession of convenience and young people often get into conducting without long and serious study. They tackle monumental works at the beginning of their career, relying on the effectiveness of gestures.

Toscanini said that the arms are the extension of the mind. Today, many conductors use the podium for excessive gesticulation, for show, trying to make an impression with an audience more interested in what they see than what they hear.


I've just finished conducting Aida in concert at the Arena, and my regret is that I couldn't do Aida with Strehler, as we had planned. It would have been without elephants. Giorgio believed in an Aida where the ‘triumph' was only in the music, not in that pharaonic spectacle that has characterised productions of Aida the world over, to the point of becoming the very symbol of Aida and damaging the true essence of the opera, which is built on one of Verdi's most refined and delicate scores.


I'm not afraid of death. As a boy we used to go to the cemetery in the evenings to watch the wills-o'-the-wisp. I met the last professional mourner, Giustina, who told me about the rewards of the dead, lying on the bed in the only room in the house, the door open to the street, with a photo of the soldier brother on the wall as well as the heroic uncle… It was a simple and amazing world, which I miss very much. That's why I belong to another era. Today the world goes so fast, it overwhelms everything, even these simple things, which have a deep humanity.

I don't fear the end in itself, though I would be sorry to leave my loved ones: my wife, my children Francesco, Chiara and Domenico, my grandchildren. And the animals: my dog Cooper, a Maltese, and in the countryside, we have doves, rabbits, chickens, roosters, and two Sardinian donkeys, Gaetano and Lampo, who are very intelligent. They get very attached; they look at you quizzically with their pink eyes…. and we use the words ‘dogs' and ‘donkeys' as if they were insults.

I joke that I will leave the instructions for the pieces of music to be heard in the church for my funeral, which will be all recordings conducted by me! Not because I think they are the best, but I want people to remember how I conducted Mozart, Schubert, Brahms. If it's not me conducting, I'll know immediately, and there's a strong chance the lid of the coffin will open…!

There's one thing I'm very serious about, though: I don't want applause at my funeral. I grew up in a world where there was a terrifying silence at funerals. Everyone was locked in their real or false grief. For the more affluent there was a band playing Rossini's Stabat Mater or the Molfettesi funeral marches, famous in Puglia. I remember hearing applause for the first time at the funerals of Totò and Anna Magnani, but it was in recognition of their ability to interpret the soul of Naples, Rome and Italy itself. When it's my turn, I'd like there to be absolute silence. If someone applauds, I swear I'll come back to haunt them at night, during the most intimate moments.

I don't know if I'll find myself in a better world, certainly not in the Elysian Fields, though I hope there is a lot of light. As long as there is not a metempsychosis as I have no desire to be reborn, much less as a spider or a mouse, but not even as a lion. One life is more than enough.

I had a Catholic education… though I don't believe in the blonde Jesus of the prayer cards. Inside us there is a cosmic energy that survives us because it is divine. I remember the death of my mother Gilda where I had the distinct sensation that her body became as heavy as marble, while a vital flow of energy was released. I feel that the universe is criss-crossed by sound rays that reach us, and that is the reason we have music. The sound rays that went through Mozart are infinite.

Riccardo Muti interview, part two: Pavarotti, communication, politics and music’s meaning (Gramilano, August 2021)

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