Silver linings


Short update from N.Y. Aug. 8 (Mon)

2005-08-08 00:00:00 | リュウガクジダイ
It's been a while since I last blogged... so many things were going on. Wedding, moving, packing, selling my stuff (car and furniture), meeting with friends, drinking, clearning up the house I lived and leaving Williamsburg (at 4:30 am after getting drunk!). I am writing this at my friend's apartment in Queens, New York. I will write more about my last days in Williamsburg when I get back to Japan (the wedding was great!).

I got to LaGurdia Airport in New York at 7:00 am yesterday and came to Anna's apartment. Anna works here as a designer. She has this nice apartment with 3 bedrooms and the interior is really cute:) I was so exhausted when I got here and just slept for the whole day yesterday...

At night, I went to Mamma Mia!, the broadway musical. Yay! Finally! It was a great show. A story about a mother, a daughter and three possible fathers- doesn't that already sound like a hilarious show? I love musicals so much and always impressed with the voice of the actors. It is amazing to know that human beings can create such powerful sounds from their bodies!! Plus, great ABBA music was well suit with the story. I still see the stage and dancing, I still hear the sounds and music in my mind... It was a great and memorable musical.

I will try to keep posting occasionally while I am here, but if I don't manage it (which is probable), I am sure I will catch up blogging when I get to Japan on 13th. Fixing my computer will be the first thing to do in Japan.

