


2018年01月11日 22時58分32秒 | 創価学会
bokemontaroさんのツイート: インドではHPVワクチン接種を中止するようです。

RSSアフィリエイトSwadeshi Jagran Manchが国にそれを導入していない彼を要求する首相ナレンドラ・モディに書いた後、組合の保健省は、女性の間で子宮頸がんを予防するために使用されるヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)ワクチンを、中止することを決定しました。

12月のPM Modiへの 手紙で、SJMの共同議長Ashwani Mahajanは、インドにHPVワクチンの導入を中止するよう、PMに要請した。この手紙では、HPVワクチンの背後にある人々と、科学をひどく変質させ、彼らが国を既得権益に売却したと主張する科学界に知らせる人々と比較した。


「このプログラムが希少な資源を、より価値のある保健医療イニシアチブからこのワクチンに転用して疑わしい有用性を迂回させ、その悪影響が全国予防接種プログラムの信頼を損ない、子供を不必要により深刻なワクチンのリスクにさらす「予防可能な病気」 と述べた。マハジャン氏は、「ファイナンシャル・エクスプレス」の言葉通りに言った。


しかし、RSS-wingからの反対の後、 今日、インディアン・エクスプレスの報告によると 、組合保健省は原則としてワクチンの導入を決定していない。



The union health ministry has decided to cancel the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, which is used for preventing cervical cancer among women, after the RSS-affiliate Swadeshi Jagran Manch wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting him not to introduce it in the country.

In a letter to PM Modi in December, SJM co-convener Ashwani Mahajan had requested the PM to stop the move to introduce the HPV vaccine in India. The letter had compared those behind the HPV vaccine with those who pervert science and bring ignominy to the scientific community alleging that they sell the country to vested interests.

"Swadeshi Jagran Manch requests you to stop this move to introduce the HPV vaccine in India and we recommend the strongest action against groups that pervert science, which brings ignominy to the scientific community in the country and sells the country to vested interests," the letter had said.

“It is our concern that this programme will divert scarce resources from more worthwhile health initiatives diverting it to this vaccine of doubtful utility and that its adverse effects will erode confidence in the national immunization programme and thereby expose children unnecessarily to the risk of more serious vaccine-preventable disease,” Mahajan had said, as quoted by the Financial Express.

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) had earlier recommended HPV vaccination in India to prevent cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer among women in India.

However, after the objection from the RSS-wing, according to a report by the Indian Express today, the union health ministry has taken a decision in principle not to introduce the vaccine.

“We are not going ahead with it now,” said a top ministry official, as quoted by the Indian Express without naming him.

The matter is still under consideration of the technical advisory body on immunization. But, the Express report, quoting highly placed sources in the ministry says that the vaccine will not become a part of UIP anytime soon regardless of what the NTAGI decides.


松藤美香(@mikarin_tokyo)さん | 全国子宮頸がんワクチン被害者連絡会代表です。 娘が子宮頸がんワクチン接種直後から副反応に遭い、長く闘病中です。
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