Silver linings


Osaka B-gourmet tour

2008-08-22 00:19:29 | 日常
Having a scholar-friend visiting from Tokyo, my coworkers and I went out on a B-gourmet tour in Osaka. What is B-gourmet? It is a food which is relatively low budget. So, simply, it is a B-class food (not A-class, not fancy and not high quality). But that does not mean "not good". Even if it is B, there are many good food with cheap price. In that sense, Osaka is a paradise for B gourmet!

While most restrants/bars were empty because it was Wednesday (mid of a week, not so many people go out), this Ajiho was different. The restaurant was full of people and had a vigorous atmosphere. People drink, eat, talk and laugh loudly. The menu, written by hand, all displayed on walls, lively-talking waitless, and your eyes start smarting with smoke. Wow! This is the very Osaka restaurant! And takoyaki is the star of B-gourmet! (Don't say it's C...)

Takoyaki ¥300
味穂(Ajiho address)
大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-8-33 センタービル1F
Tel: 06-6213-8806

Doteyaki 2 sticks ¥300(どて焼き)

Oishi~!!!!! (taste gooood!!!!!)

Good friends, good food, and nice topics. Nothing more to say. That is what it is all about - our life. Well, the truth is that it is not the quality of the food, but it is the good company, which makes the feast. With great friends, any food will be A-class!

The tour goes on.

Minced Cutlet! ¥750(ミンチかつ!)

Beef & Egg bowl ¥700(ビーフ・ワン! ←ビーフ+お椀 …ネーミングが大阪!)

はり重(Hariju address)
Tel: 06-6213-4736

We almost did Kuidaore.
(Kuidaore=Osaka keyword, means "Eat yourself into ruin" "Eat until you fall down" )

