

10月24日 盛沢山にぶっ込んだ1日だった。

2020-10-24 19:51:07 | 筋トレ

Today I had a lot of things I had to do ,especially some workout.
I got up at 5:45 and started studying English at 6:15.
◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・listening:英検準1級リスニング問題(旺文社) 30分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 30分
・English composition:英語のかけこみ寺1 30分
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

Today's cycle training was "build-up" from 30km/h to 38km/h at cadence 90.
◆cycle training
・travel time(走行時間)30分(30km/hx10min,33km/hx10min,38kmx10min)
・speed(速度):AVE33.7km/h MAX39.8km/h
・target cadence:90

I usually go to the gym on Saturday ,but I went there today and there was
nobody by chance. So I had the place all to myself. I could train all I wanted !
By the way, new protein "ALPRON" I bought the day before yesterday was
a nice taste. It had an enough banana taste I like.
◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・chest press(大胸筋) 100kg 9repx4set
・fly(大胸筋)100kg  10repx3set    
・shoulder press(肩・三角筋) 68kg  12repx3set
・dip 20repx4set
・sit ups(腹筋)60rep(20前、20右、20左 )x1set
・treadmill(持久力) 30分(.7.5分/km⇒4.6km/分ペース)

Before NOVA, I ate a Triple Cheeseburger ,"Tori-chi" as late lunch at Mcdonald's.

◆NOVA lesson
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