

10月17日 雨の土曜 朝勉マック勉 注目ドラマ 

2020-10-17 20:11:11 | 英語学習・英会話

It's been cold raining since this morning. I don't like rainy weekend , because
I can't dry futon outside.
This morning I got up at 6:30 and started studying English at 7:30.
Although I studied English at MacDonald's for 90minutes too, I got tired of it.
I bought for me "Triangle Choco Pie" as a reward for hard study.
It was just cooked and delicious!

By the way I found my favorite TV drama "A girl aged 35"
This story start with the girl who was in a coma for 25years by cycle accident
, was awake one day suddenly.
But everything around her had changed drastically ,even her family...
I'm paying attention to her from now on.

◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分 ←finishing 9 raps today!
・listening:英検準1級リスニング問題(旺文社) 30分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 30分
・English composition:英語のかけこみ寺1 30分

◆studying English at MacDonald's:マック勉
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 90分

・passive voice:受動態
・active voice:能動態
