

10月10日 朝勉、マック勉、朝からの痛み

2020-10-10 20:53:18 | 英語学習・英会話

I got up at 6:30 and started studying English at 7:30.
This morning was a little cold by raining so I didn't want to get out of bed soon.

After getting up ,I've been having an interval pain around a bladder for some reason.
I think to wait and see it for a while but it disturbs me concentrating to something.
◆studying English:朝勉
・listening:英検準1級リスニング問題(旺文社) 60分
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・English composition:英語のかけこみ寺1 30分
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 90分
I don't know if it's because of the typhoon or not, both NOVA and McDonald's were
quite empty. Although today's NOVA lesson was a group lesson originally, it became
a lucky M to M lesson.