

5月31日 初めてスマホ容量を使い果たした

2020-05-31 18:41:45 | ランニング
My mobile data has reached it's limit for the first time.
Data restriction is 3 GB data in my case.
I think it is too less than the other people but I 've managed it for many years.
I've wanted to know how I would be ,if I run out of data .
And I tried it on purpose at home while I was working out with watching
the training movies.
At first, I 've imaged that only mobile data speed become slow but actually
I couldn't see even website as well as youtube at all.
I have wifi in my house but it's too weak in my room.

◆studying English:朝勉
・speaking:QQEnglish lesson 30分
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 60分
・improving vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・dumbell shoulder press(三角筋) 15.0kgx2 10repx3set
・hammer curl(上腕二頭筋)  15.0kgx2 13repx3set
・concentration curl(上腕二頭筋) 15.0kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・dumbell fly (大胸筋)20.0kgx2 15repx3set 
・dumbell press (大胸筋)25.0kgx2 13repx3set
・sit ups(腹筋)2.5kgを頭の後ろに抱え 70rep(30前、20右、20左)x3set

That is why ,I couldn't get running data with smartphone.
◆jogging :ジョギング
・Duration(継続時間) 00:60:00
・Aveg Pace(平均ペース) 06:00min/km

5月30日 休会中にNOVAゴールド会員になった

2020-05-30 18:14:28 | 英語学習・英会話

I only slept for five hours last night because I stayed up late.
It's too less for me. My head hurt!

I need a sleeping time at least for seven hours .
But needless to say,I studied English at this morning even
such an condition. Studying English is fun!

◆studying English:朝勉
・speaking:QQEnglish lesson 30分
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 120分

During my recess of NOVA , I received a envelope which had
a member card status of Gold .
I became at last an Gold menber after four years and six months.
NOVA has three statuses for the guests.
Blue,Green, and Gold. Of course Gold is the top.
Blue one can get 1.0 point ,Green one can get 1.2 point and
Gold one can get 1.4 point after taking a lesson.
And we can replace the gathered points for lessons or NOVA goods.
By the way , "One lesson" needs 30 points , "NOVA Usagi keyring" needs
20 points and "NOVA Usagi kickskator" needs as many as 170 points!


5月24日 ヨーグルト味のプロテイン

2020-05-24 18:17:05 | 筋トレ

I couldn't respons an alarm clock set at 5:00 and I got up at 6:00.
Today's QQ teacher was new for me but I talked English to her easily.
So I want to choose her again.

◆studying English:朝勉
・making essay:ブログ 30分
・speaking:QQEnglish lesson 30分
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 120分
・improving vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

Since my protain will run out soon, I went to "Don Quijote" to buy a new one.
Because "Don Quijote" is selling cheeper than other stores around my house.
But everytime bargain comodity is changed.I bought a one which taste was
"taste of good smell of milk" sold the cheepest, before.
Today,I bought a protain with "taste of yogurt" at the cheepest one among zavas series.
I 'v ever bought protains which tasts of milk,vanilla,cocoa and yogurt.
Putting my favorite protains in order,it would be:milk,yogurt⇒vanilla⇒cocoa.
I think that "taste of yogurt" matchs workout in summer the best!
◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・ダンベルショルダープレス(三角筋) 15.0kgx2 10repx3set
・ハンマーカール(上腕二頭筋)  15.0kgx2 13repx3set
・コンセントレーションカール(上腕二頭筋) 15.0kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・ダンベルフライ (大胸筋)20.0kgx2 15repx3set 
・ダンベルプレス (大胸筋)25.0kgx2 13repx3set
・ダンベルトライセプスプレス(上腕三頭筋) ←今日は無し。
・腹筋 2.5kgプレートを頭の後ろに抱えて 70rep(30前、20右、20左)x3set

5月23日 今週は水曜にキック練行けなかった件

2020-05-24 05:54:41 | キックボクシング
I got up at 6:00 and started studying English from 6:30 on Saturday.

◆studying English:朝勉
・speaking:QQEnglish lesson 30分
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・making essay:スラスラ瞬間英作文(おかわりスラスラ話すための) 30分
After studying ,I went to the gym and practicing kickboxing only one hour.

This week,I had some troubles in my family.
My big dauter broke a promise that she doesn't use cell phone fter ten o'clock pm.
Furthermore it wasn't a phone we bought but one she bought herself secretly.
Since Its trouble occured on this Wednesday ,we held the meeting
in my family at that evening.

After all we confiscated it and decided it to sell for a recycle store.
So I could go to the gym only Saturday in this week.
It is difficult how to grow a teenage girl.

5月17日 朝勉、イエトレ、ジョグ3.5km

2020-05-17 20:54:04 | 筋トレ

This morning I couldn't get up at 5:00's alarm at once.I might be tired because of
practicing Kickboxing yesterday.
I got up at 6:00 and started studying English from 6:00!Today I took two lessons
of QQEnglish and one of teachers gave her comment to my blog.So I thought that
I was glad I started to write this blog in English.
◆studying English:朝勉
・making essay:スラスラ瞬間英作文(おかわりスラスラ話すための) 30分
・speaking:QQEnglish lesson 30分x2
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 60分
・improving vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・ダンベルショルダープレス(三角筋) 15.0kgx2 10repx3set
・ハンマーカール(上腕二頭筋)  15.0kgx2 10repx3set
・コンセントレーションカール(上腕二頭筋) 15.0kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・ダンベルフライ (大胸筋)20.0kgx2 10repx3set 
・ダンベルプレス (大胸筋)25.0kgx2 10repx3set
・ダンベルトライセプスプレス(上腕三頭筋) ←今日は無し。
・腹筋 2.5kgプレートを頭の後ろに抱えて 70repx3set
・Duration 00:23:37
・Aveg Pace 06:53min/km
Even though it's still May , it was too hot.So I ran only 3.5km to my kickboxing gym.
Because I was hard to breathe with wearing mask like this.