

6月6日 ”NOVA”復活の呪文を唱えた!

2020-06-06 20:23:45 | 英語学習・英会話

YamaK cast a spell of revival to NOVA.

I got up at 6:30 and started studying English from 7:00.
◆studying English:朝勉
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 60分
◆studying English:Mac勉
・improving vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 30分

After studying, I went to gym to practice Kickboxing.
The gym has started to be open usualy again after a long
restriction by Coronavirus.
◆practicing kickboxing
・jump rope :3minx3rounds
・shadow :3minx1round
・hitting mit :3minx2rounds
Since I confirmed that NOVA takes a proper privention for
Corona virus,I've decided to remove the recess of NOVA
and took NOVA lessons since today again.
As another reason I missed friends of NOVA...

Although I took recess for only two months , I was clumsy
to speak English like to ride an old rusty bike.
I stuffed a lot of English vocabulary during the recess but
I couldn't withdraw it smoothly.

6月5日 ”100円の恋”アマゾンプライムビデオで観た

2020-06-06 06:53:55 | 日常の1コマ

Since it's a happy Friday night , I watched the movie "100 yen Love" at home
This movie has the view of the world "strange and characteristic" which are sometimes
seen at Japanese movies.

Lead actess is Sakura Andou.
She acts a woman who had lived corrupt life without having work but have changed it
active as become a boxer.
Boxing scenes attracted me because I've practiced Boxing but her acting also attracted me.
You can notice she is getting more and more beautiful at movie for two hours.