

6月6日 ”NOVA”復活の呪文を唱えた!

2020-06-06 20:23:45 | 英語学習・英会話

YamaK cast a spell of revival to NOVA.

I got up at 6:30 and started studying English from 7:00.
◆studying English:朝勉
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・improving vocabulary:DUO3.0 60分
◆studying English:Mac勉
・improving vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 30分

After studying, I went to gym to practice Kickboxing.
The gym has started to be open usualy again after a long
restriction by Coronavirus.
◆practicing kickboxing
・jump rope :3minx3rounds
・shadow :3minx1round
・hitting mit :3minx2rounds
Since I confirmed that NOVA takes a proper privention for
Corona virus,I've decided to remove the recess of NOVA
and took NOVA lessons since today again.
As another reason I missed friends of NOVA...

Although I took recess for only two months , I was clumsy
to speak English like to ride an old rusty bike.
I stuffed a lot of English vocabulary during the recess but
I couldn't withdraw it smoothly.
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