karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

graduation thesis I wrote 40 years ago (4)

2005-05-29 07:56:40 | ノンジャンル
Today will be a very busy day. I am going to take care of 7 children at my daughter's house. Three families will gather at my daughters house with their little children this afternoon.

All parents will play the saxophone in the basement which is made for playing musical instrument. They belong to a musical band and enjoy playing the saxophone as a hobby. They have a concert in November every year. I think it very good for my daughter and her husband to have the same hobby-- playing the saxophone.

Usually my daughter's son, who is 11 years old, takes care of them. But today he has to go to school. So I offered to take care of their little children. I hope their parents will be refreshed by playing the saxophone in the basement. Will you please come to their concert in November?

Now I think I will write the last part of PREFACE of the graduation thesis I wrote 40 years ago.
This is continued from yesterday's article.


King Lear is a play that has almost heart-breaking pathos in it, but those who have read or enjoyed the play will find themselves refreshed. A great tragedy always gives us this kind of feeling. This is one of the most important elements that a tragedy, if it is a great one, should have.

The fundamental difference between tragedy and comedy is that the former contains one or two noticeable characters that surpass others in some points and capture our special interest---for example, the hero in Hamlet, Lear and Cordelia in King Lear, Othello and Iago in Othello or Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth in Macbeth.

But comedy does not have specially noticeable characters. We feel common interest in various types of people in it. To say in other words, tragedy is the simper in its form and concentrates our interest in one or two main characters. Therefore, it has a deep significance to discuss a hero or heroine of a tragedy.

A play is often said to be the epitome of life. When we read or watch a play, we unconsciously regard characters in it as real men or women with whom we have intercourse in our daily life. We follow their actions and try to understand and analyze the psychology of them, thinking as if they were living with us.

In studying King Lear I will try to follow the hero and see the process of his changing from a man who lacks the touch of humanity into one who is really human.