karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Oct.31, 2019

2019-10-31 20:02:00 | ノンジャンル
I expected that we would have
a very comfortable autumn
in October.

On the contrary,
we had very hot days in early October.

And on October 10, it got very cold
and I brought out my Kotatsu to warm

On Oct.12, the powerful typhoon No,19
struck Kanto, Koshin and Tohoku areas.

On Oct. 25, there was a torrential rain
caused by the typhoon No.21 in the same

A great number of people suffered
from floods and landslides.

A lot of houses were flooded
above or up to the floors.

Alas! So many people died
and some are still missing!

October in 2019 could be called
the month of natural disasters.

Because of Global Warming,
the climate is greatly changing
and we will have more and more
powerful typhoons, I’m afraid.


There has been a hint of autumn
in the air since yesterday----
we’ve had lovely days!

I hope this lovely autumn weather
will hold.

(flowering dogwood, hana-mizuki)

Oh, no!

2019-10-25 09:09:00 | ノンジャンル
It is raining so heavily!

It seems to have been raining
all night.

The typhoon No.21 is reported
not to hit the disaster-stricken areas
straight on.

But this heavy rain will cause
severe damage there, I’m afraid.

I pray no more damage occurs!

(written at 7:00 a.m.)

no more heavy rain!

2019-10-18 20:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It's a week since Typhoon No.19 struck
Kanto, Koushinetsu and Tohoku.

It is reported 79 people died
and 8 people as missing.

Over 45,000 houses were flooded
above the floor or were seriously
damaged by thick mud.

More than 4,000 sufferers are still
forced to live in emergency evacuation
sites---such as gymnasiums or other

It's been cold these days here in Tokyo.

I hope it's not so cold
in the evacuations sites.

I hope they can catch
a few hours of sleep.

(I'm afraid they can't get any sleep.)

It is reported a heavy rain will fall
tomorrow again.

I hope the rain will not cause floods
or landslides to the disaster-stricken


What a destructive typhoon!

2019-10-13 21:10:00 | ノンジャンル
Typhoon No.19 is reported
to be the most powerful typhoon
in these 61 years.

It caused disastrous floods
and landslides.

The electricity is cut off in some areas.

The water is cut off in other areas.

The crops were greatly damaged.

It is reported 26 people died
and 18 people as missing.

May the missing be found
as soon as possible!

(written at 9 p.m.)

after the rain

2019-10-08 13:44:00 | ノンジャンル
It seemed to have rained
during the night.

I saw many puddles here and there
on my way to my daughter's
this morning.

Last night it was reported we'd have
fine and hot weather after a rainfall
and that the maximum temperature
would be around 30℃!

But it is cloudy now.

Will it rain again?

What a relief!
It is not so hot, anyway.

(pictures, this morning)