karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

birthday flower on August 31

2011-08-31 09:11:00 | ノンジャンル
I happened to wake up around four o'clock this morning,
played the radio and knew today's birthday flower
is 鳳仙花, 'garden balsam or touch-me-not' in English.

According to the radio, 鳳仙花 came from India
and its 'flower language' is 'lively.'

I listened to the radio so far and fell asleep again
and got up at 7.

The sun is shining! Where is the typhoon #12?


beautiful Sunday morning

2011-08-28 10:30:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful Sunday!

It's half past ten in the morning.
I've just done cleaning and washing.
Oh, how refreshed I feel!

The sky is so blue.
The sky is so beautiful.
It's not muggy at all.
It's not hot at all.

I see some people running or jogging along Tamagawa-josui.
I see other people walking with their dogs.

They all seem to be enjoying this beautiful Sunday morning.

I hope this weather will hold all day.

(Tamagawa-josui, in front of my apartment, this morning)

Is this キノコ poisonous? Is it a toadstool?


2011-08-24 22:46:00 | ノンジャンル
You know forget-me-nots 忘れな草, I suppose.

The little pale blue flowers remind me
of my school days at university.

Do you know touch-me-nots 鳳仙花?

The lively, lovely flowers remind me
of my good old days when I was a little girl.

Today I was happy to see touch-me-nots in a farmer's
field under the beautiful blue sky.

I walked 13133 steps today.

Shanghai, movie

2011-08-21 22:05:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I had free time in the afternoon
and decided to watch a movie which was released

The theater was filled with people.

It was an American movie titled "Shanghai."

The story is set in Shanghai in the 1940s.

The story ends with the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

But it is not the movie of World War Ⅱ.

The ending of the movie was not a happy one.

To tell the truth, I went to see this movie because
I wanted to see Ken Watanabe in it.

I am a big fan of Ken Watanabe.

(koharu's Three o'clock, 三時草)

our teacher of Harmonica Circle

2011-08-18 22:48:00 | ノンジャンル
Mr. Akira Sato, our teacher of Harmonica Circle,
has published his first book of ハーモニカ演歌愛奏曲集
with 全音楽譜出版社.

There are 24 演歌 songs in the book.

They are---


The CD of these 24 songs will be issued in September.

Mr. Sato is called "the uncrowned king of 演歌
in the harmonica world."

His playing 演歌 songs on the harmonica is so touching.
You'll not believe he is playing the songs on the harmonica.

Harmonicas are profound musical instruments.