karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

three days in Kyoto (6)

2011-10-29 17:19:00 | ノンジャンル
Lastly we visited 西本願寺.

親鸞聖人750回大遠忌法要 has been held
until January, 2012.

Everything was prepared for it.


Many people were coming to attend the 750th anniversary
of 親鸞聖人.

(Karamon—World Cultural Heritage site)

I prayed for peace on earth.


I hear there are 17 World Cultural Heritages in Kyoto.
This time I visited 8 of them.

I think I’d like to visit the other 9 World Cultural Heritages
next spring.

We took the Nozomi Super express and came back to Tokyo.

(from the Shinkansen)

(Mt.Fuji, from the Shinkansen)

three days in Kyoto (5)

2011-10-29 17:04:00 | ノンジャンル
On the third day we left our hotel at nine and went to 東寺.

(on the way to Toji—from my bus window)

A young assistant priest showed us around the temple.

First we went to 五重塔. 五重塔 is the tallest wooden pagoda
in Japan.

We went into the first floor of 五重塔 which is open
only in spring and fall.

I saw the central pillar surrounded by 12 images of Buddha.
No cameras were allowed inside.

Then we looked around 金堂 and 講堂.
After that we enjoyed walking in the precincts.

醍醐寺 was the seventh World Heritage I visited.

three days in Kyoto (3)

2011-10-29 16:39:00 | ノンジャンル
The fourth World Heritage I visited was 銀閣寺.

I have visited 銀閣寺 several times.

My daughter used to live close to 銀閣寺 
when she was a university student.

Oh, I remember those days!

銀閣寺 is my favorite temple.

(the main approach)

We were allowed to go into the building at this time
of the year..

There were paintings on sliding doors by 与謝蕪村・
池 大雅・富岡鉄斎 and 奥田元宋.

I was deeply impressed by those paintings.
No cameras were allowed.

I walked up to the overlook and enjoyed the overview.

Of course I walked along my favorite 哲学の道 with a lady.