karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Nohgaku, 「ほのぼ能」

2014-06-30 10:20:00 | ノンジャンル
Ms. Yamaguchi, a member of 能楽写真家協会,
invited my friends and me to 能ノ会「ほのぼ能」
performed at 梅若能楽学院会館 in 東中野.

We met at Mitaka Station at 10:30 yesterday.

We had a light lunch at a coffee shop at Higashi-Nakano

We walked about 15 minutes and arrived at 梅若能楽学院会館.

I don't know why, but the word everlasting 「悠久」

crossed my mind, the moment I entered the Noh theater.

Before the Noh performances, we were told the stories.

We enjoyed 能 and 狂言.

How do the actors train their voice?
They all have a full, melodious, magnificent voice.

How sincere and severe Nohgaku is!
How beautiful Nohgaku is!
How funny Kyogen is!

How happy I am to be here!

I have no knowledge of Nogaku and I bought a book

It's so kind of you to invite us to Noh,
Ms. Yamaguchi.

hydrangea in Takahata Fudoson (1)

2014-06-27 12:16:00 | ノンジャンル
I had a phone call from my good old friend Yasuko-san
the night before last and we met at 高幡不動尊駅
in Hino City yesterday.

When was it when we came here last, I wondered.
At that time we walked from Tachikawa to 高幡不動尊.
We were younger, anyway.

She is 11 years older than I but she is much younger than
I at heart. And she is a very good walker!

It was a little too late for the hydrangea season.
Some of 紫陽花 kept waiting for us.

We enjoyed 紫陽花, talking and walking.

They were preparing for the next festival 七夕.



2014-06-24 10:50:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to see a Japanese movie 「春を背負って」.

I didn’t know the story, but I knew the film was shot on one
of the Tateyama peaks 「立山連峰」.

I wanted to see 立山.
立山 brought back many cherished memories to me.

I was living in Toyama City with my husband when my daughter
was born.

My father sent us a piece of tanka poetry to celebrate the birth
of our daughter.

It was composed and written by himself. 
He was a calligrapher and tanka poet.

碧(あお)ふかきやよいの空にそびえたつ 今朝の立山とうとかりけり

Oh, how I miss those happy days!

Lily Garden in Tokorozawa City

2014-06-21 15:51:00 | ノンジャンル
This is the season of lilies.
Many bloggers write about lilies on their web logs.

Where can I enjoy colorful lilies?
Are there any lily gardens around here?

This morning I did a search on the Internet and
found out there is a lily garden in Tokorozawa City.

And I immediately decided to visit the Lily Garden.

I hurried to the nearest station on the Seibu Line
and asked an officer how to go to 「ゆり園」.

I went to 西武遊園地駅 by train, where I changed
trains for 西武球場前駅.

It is only a several minutes' walk from the 西武球場前駅.
The Lily Garden is located on a hill in Sayama.

There were lines for tickets.

Oh, I should have come wearing trekking shoes!
I went up and down on the slope enjoying colorful lilies.

How beautiful lilies are!
The hill is full of sweet scents of lilies.
How happy I am!