karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a blue sky

2008-02-28 23:23:20 | ノンジャンル
The other day I asked my daughter
if she knew why the skies were blue.
She said, "Oh, yes, I do. I'll tell you why."

Today when I came back from the community
center, I stopped on the way and looked up
at the beautiful sky.
I remembered what my daughter had told me.

Anyway today was a very beautiful day.
I discovered there were many tones of blue
in the blue skies.


cloudy, warm and windy

2008-02-26 21:43:10 | ノンジャンル
It was a warm day and I began to sweat a little
when I was walking to koharu's home.

The skies were gray--full of clouds.
I like gray skies, too.
The wind began to blow hard around noon.

koharu came home at two o'clock.
She pushed the doorbell and talked to me excited.

She said, "Come on, Grandma! Hurry up! An ant
is collecting honey from my crocus. Ants have started
to work. We are now in spring, aren't we, Grandma? "

koharu likes small creatures very much.

( Do you see an ant in the crocus? )

Tensho-in Atsu-hime

2008-02-23 00:34:28 | ノンジャンル
I enjoy NHK Taiga Drama on TV every Sunday night.
This year I'm enjoying 'Atsu-hime' by Tomiko Miyao.

Today I joined a one-day bus tour and visited the places
where Tensho-in Atsu-hime lived her last years.

First I visited The Edo-Tokyo Museum and appreciated
a lot of articles which belonged to Atsu-hime.

Next I visited the Edo Castle, the Imperial Palace--
of course only outdoors. Then Kyu Shiba-rikyu Gardens
and Zojoji Temple.

One day was too short to enjoy those places.
I'd like to visit them again not on a bus tour
but by myself.

(the Edo Castle)

(Kyu Shiba-rikyu Gardens)

(at Zojoji Temple)

visited Showa Kinen Park(1)

2008-02-20 23:53:29 | ノンジャンル
Today my daughter didn't have to go to work
and a whole day was left at my disposal.

It was such a lovely day that I couldn't stay at home.
I went to Showa Kinen Park in Tachikawa.
There were few people visiting the park.

I enjoyed silence.
I enjoyed a broad, blue sky.
I enjoyed brown, grassy field.
I enjoyed fresh air.
I enjoyed lovely flowers.

I walked a lot--16724 steps.
I had a nice day.