karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Trick or Treat

2012-10-29 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
I've caught a cough.

I've been much annoyed with my coughs.
I've been in bed since Saturday evening.

What a wasting cough!

I hope my cough will be better in a few days.

Last Friday I went to Kominkan early in the morning
to prepare for Kominkan Matsuri.

On the way I was surprised to see a house decorated
with Halloween pumpkins.

Halloween is now a very popular event in Japan,
isn't it?

(on the way to Kominkan, on October 26)

a slight cold

2012-10-23 21:17:00 | ノンジャンル
It was cloudy in the morning.
It rained all the afternoon.
The wind blew up toward evening.
It was very cold outside.

In the morning I went to the dentist.
I had my teeth examined and had plaque removed.
I was glad I had no bad teeth.

In the afternoon I went to see my doctor.
I had my blood pressure checked.
It was rather high.

I have a slight sore throat.
I have a slight cough too.
I have no fever.

The doctor wrote me a prescription for a cold remedy.

I'm sorry I've got a slight cold.

I'm fine enough to attend Wednesday English Class tomorrow.

at the end of the week

2012-10-20 22:23:00 | ノンジャンル
I’m still in a good feeling that remains
after a happy experience in Norikura and Kamikochi.

The pictures on my blog brings back many memories.

A week has passed since I came back from Norikura.
I wonder how I spent this week.

On Monday I wrote seven updating reports on my blog.

On Tuesday I met M-san in Ginza and we attended a meeting.

After the meeting we had lunch at a Japanese restaurant

Then we went to Apple Store Ginza.
M-san wanted to buy an iPad.
She asked a clerk many questions about iPad.
She didn't buy one that day.
She was not sure whether she could use an iPad perfectly.

The second semester of Wednesday English Class started
on Oct. 17. We enjoyed talking in English---how we had
been getting along.

On Thursday we, Harmonica Circle members, played
harmonica as volunteers at a nursing home for the aged.
We played 16 songs on the harmonica.


About 20 people sang those songs to our harmonica.
They sang in a big voice. They looked so happy.
I was surprised they called for an encore!

On Friday I attended Friday English Circle.
We read ‘A Risky Ride for Freedom’ in Chicken Soup.

On Saturday, today, I spent the day at my daughter's.

(today's sky)

Yes, I had a good week.