karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

lovely spring weather

2010-03-22 13:07:00 | ノンジャンル
The spring storm has passed.
What a lovely day!

According to TV news, the cherry trees in Tokyo
have just started to bloom.

They will soon be in full bloom.

Sakura-matsuri will be held in many places.
When is your sakura-matsuri going on?

By the way, I'm going to join a package tour to Egypt
the day after tomorrow.

My suitcase has already gone to Narita Airport.

Tomorrow I will stay at a hotel near Narita Airport.

On March 24 I will fly to Cairo, if my condition is good.
I hope everything will go well with me.

See you again in April.

take a walk with koharu

2010-03-20 22:41:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a very warm day.
But the wind blew up toward evening.

When I went to koharu's house,
only koharu stayed at home.

koharu's parents were out.
koharu's brother were out too.

koharu was very happy to see me.
koharu suggested that we take a walk around the block.

While walking, koharu told me how forgetful she was.
koharu forgot to wear her school hat yesterday.
She went back home to wear it.

koharu told me she had left her home
without her school bag ランドセル three times!
Fortunately she noticed that she had nothing on her bag
just the moment she shut the door after her.

I said to her, "That's nothing to worry about.
You don't forget to go to school, do you?"
"Of curse not! I like my school life very much ,"
she said.

I had a nice spring afternoon with koharu.
Thank you, koharu.


'tomorrow' did not come

2010-03-19 08:25:00 | ノンジャンル
You and I had a happy marriage of 7 years and 10 months.

You and I have never had a quarrel.
I have never seen you get angry or irritated.
I have never seen your tears.
I have never seen you in a bad temper.

You said to me,
"I'm suffering from an incurable cancer.
I'm not afraid of death but I feel so sad to say
good bye to you and yayoi.

Thank you, karin.
I am happy that I got married you.
I have a daughter.
I feel as if I lived an ordinary lifetime.
I am all right."

I tried my best to make him happy.

March 17 in 1974 was Sunday.

My daughter and I went to a hospital to meet him.
We spent a happy day in his sickroom.

We talked a lot.
We laughed a lot.
We ate delicious strawberries.

"See you tomorrow!" was his last word.

His condition took a sudden turn for the worse
late that night.

He went into a coma and passed away in the small hours
of March 19 in 1974--after 2 weeks in hospital.

I've missed you deeply since you passed away.
I always think of you.
I do sincerely love you.

to Yoshino-baigo with koharu

2010-03-13 21:43:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I took koharu to 吉野梅郷 in Ome City.

Something was wrong with Chuo Line
and my train for Ome was cancelled.

koharu and I changed cars three times
and arrived at Hinatawada Station 40 minutes
later than the scheduled time.

It was a very small station and was overcrowded
with visitors to Yoshino-baigo.

How beautiful!
Lingering snow was seen here and there.
Ume, plums, were in full bloom.
koharu and I went higher to get a better view.
koharu and I were greatly excited!

I felt happy to enjoy Yoshino-baigo
with koharu, my granddaughter.

I walked 13533 steps today.

(from Jindaibashi Bridge)