karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

February 29, 2012

2012-02-29 23:35:00 | ノンジャンル
This is a leap year which happens every four years.
And today is the 29th day of February.

I’d like to write something on this very special day.

When I got up this morning, the snow was coming down

I went out on my balcony and took a picture.

Then I took out the garbage to the dumping ground.
The snow was my ankle deep.

It was not so cold.
The snow was wet, not powdery.

I thought there would not be much trouble in the wet snow.

Actually, many people slipped and were injured.

I went to Wednesday English Class at KIFA on foot.

I walked very carefully.
It took me about forty minutes to get there.

I was surprised that seven members of us were absent.

People in Tokyo seem not to be good at walking on the snow.

I'm all right.

2012-02-22 09:38:00 | ノンジャンル
I'm glad that my usual days are coming back.
I'm always saying to myself, ”Calm yourself, karin!”

My daughter always says. “Take it easy, Mom.
You can depend on us whenever you want to.
You are very welcome at any time.”

How kind of you all!

I'm all right and will attend Wednesday English Class

I see silhouettes of trees on the lawn below
from my balcony.

(this morning)

The lawn will be a green carpetlike lawn in spring.

Oh, I remember Christchurch in NZ where I saw
well-kept green lawns everywhere.

I’ve moved!

2012-02-18 12:26:00 | ノンジャンル
I’ve been so busy that I’ve almost forgotten my meals.

During these busy days I went to my daughter’s
late in the evening, enjoyed dinner with her family
and had a good sleep at her house.

koharu was delighted that I slept in her room.
She was disappointed to find that I was not
there when she awoke up in the morning.

It’s so kind of you, Daughter!

I’ve started living in this apartment complex.
My apartment is on the second floor.

It has a 6-mat Japanese room, 4.5-mat Japanese room,
9.3㎡ kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony of 5 ㎡.

Wow! What a beautiful day here in Kodaira!

I've just taken a picture from my balcony.

How are you getting along with a heavy snowfall
in Niigata?

I know what tough days you have in Niigata.
Please take good care of yourselves and keep up your spirits!

I hope my house in Niigata is all right.

reunion at Izakaya

2012-02-11 23:29:00 | ノンジャンル
I’ve been very busy dusting furniture
or packing my things.

The day of my move to an apartment complex
is approaching.

Everything is going well, I think.

Today I attended a high school class reunion
---celebrating our seventieth year.

6 ladies and 14 gentlemen gathered at Izakaya
near Kinshi-cho Station.

I saw half of them for the first time after graduation.

It was a warm and happy reunion.

After the reunion we, six ladies, went to a coffee shop
and had some cake and coffee.

I saw 4 ladies after an interval of 51 years.

How wonderful to be alive!